Actuarial Science Packages
CTechCommon.jl0Some functionality to be shared among packages
Loss.jl4Loss functions
OpenFiscaFrance.jl1A port of OpenFisca-France to Julia. This is the OpenFisca package containing the formulas and parameters of the french tax-benefit system.
EodData.jl0Julia package for connecting to the XML Web Service.
RuinProbability.jl0For calculating the ruin probability with real data under different claims models
OpenFiscaCore.jl0A port of OpenFisca-Core to Julia. This is the core module of OpenFisca, without GUI or country-specific code & data
FRED.jl0Julia Package to read from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank API
ZVSimulator.jl0Zero Variance Simulations in Julia
TradingSystem.jl1Quantitative trading framework in Julia
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