Machine Learning Packages
TheDataMustFlow.jl3Julia tools for feeding tabular data into machine learning.
NetworkLearning.jl3Baseline collective classification library
DAI.jl2A julia binding to the C++ discrete approximate inference library for graphical models: libDAI
Learn.jl2Base framework library for machine learning packages.
Flimsy.jl1Gradient based Machine Learning for Julia
FeatureSelection.jl1Repository housing feature selection algorithms for use with the machine learning toolbox MLJ.
SimpleML.jl1Textbook implementations of some Machine Learning Algorithms in Julia.
Contingency.jl1Experimental automated machine learning for Julia.
ConfidenceWeighted.jl1Confidence weighted classifier
KaggleDigitRecognizer.jl0Julia code for Kaggle's Digit Recognizer competition
MochaTheano.jl0Allow use of Theano for automatic differentiation within Mocha, via PyCall
SFA.jl0Slow Feature Analysis in Julia
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