
Simple implementation of adaptive proposals within particle Markov chain Monte Carlo.
Author mvihola
5 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
March 2020


Simple implementation of adaptive proposals within particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (Andrieu, Doucet and Holenstein, 2010), based on the AdaptiveMCMC.jl and SequentialMonteCarlo.jl packages.

The package implemnents the following combinations:

These choices are discussed in

  • M. Vihola. Ergonomic and reliable Bayesian inference with adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo. In W. W. Piegrorsch, R. Levine, H. H. Zhang, and T. C. M. Lee, editors, Handbook of Computational Statistics and Data Science, Wiley, to appear.

If you use this package in your work, please cite the publication above.

Getting the package

using Pkg

Quick start

using AdaptiveParticleMCMC
# 'Particle' and 'ParticleScratch' data types for SequentialMonteCarlo0
mutable struct MyParticle
    MyParticle() = new(0.0)
mutable struct MyParam
    MyParam() = new(0.0)
# SequentialMonteCarlo M!, lM, lG:
M!(x, rng, k, x_prev, par) = (x.s = par.μ + randn(rng); nothing)
lM(k, x_prev, x, par) = -.5(x.s-par.μ)^2
lG(k, x, scratch) = -.5*x.s^2
# (Trivial) prior & parameter update function
test_prior(theta) = 1
set_param!(par, theta) = (par.μ = theta[1]; nothing)
# Test run: N particles, n iterations, time series length T
N=16; T=10; n=10000
# SequentialMonteCarlo data structures
state = SMCState(T, N, MyParticle, MyParam, set_param!, lG, M!, lM)
# Run the algorithms
out_pmmh = adaptive_pmmh([0.0], test_prior, state, n)
out_pg = adaptive_pg([0.0], test_prior, state, n)

Simple stochastic volatility model

# This example requires that also the packages Distributions, LabelledArrays,
# and CSV are installed; install by
# using Pkg; Pkg.add("Statistics"); Pkg.add("CSV"); Pkg.add("Distributions"); Pkg.add("LabelledArrays"); Pkg.add("DataFrames")
using AdaptiveParticleMCMC, Statistics, LabelledArrays, Distributions, CSV, DataFrames

# Define the particle type for the model (here, latent is univariate AR(1))
mutable struct SVParticle
    SVParticle() = new(0.0) # Void constructor required!

# Model parameters:
mutable struct SVParam
    ρ::Float64     # Latent AR(1) coefficient
    σ::Float64     # Latent AR(1) noise sd
    β::Float64     # Latent mean
    σ_s1::Float64  # Latent AR(1) stationary sd

# Monthly S&P 500 data (from
data =""), DataFrame)
sp500_data = diff(log.(data.SP500)) # Monthly log-returns
sp500_data .-= mean(sp500_data)     # Remove trend
# Initialise parameters
sv_par = SVParam(0.9,1.0,0.0,1.0)

# This will be the SequentialMonteCarlo "particle scratch", which
# will contain both model data & parameters, and which will be
# the 'scratch' argument of M_ar1!, lM_ar1, lG_sv
struct SVScratch
    SVScratch() = new(sv_par, sp500_data)

# Transition *simulator* of stationary zero-mean AR(1) with
# parameters (ρ, σ)
function M_ar1!(x, rng, k, x_prev, scratch)
    if k == 1
        x.s = rand(rng, Normal(0.0, scratch.par.σ_s1))
        x.s = rand(rng, Normal(scratch.par.ρ*x_prev.s, scratch.par.σ))

# Log transition *density* of stationary zero-mean AR(1) with parameters (ρ, σ)
# (only used with Particle Gibbs, not with Particle marginal Metropolis-Hastings)
function lM_ar1(k, x_prev, x, scratch)
    if k == 1
        return logpdf(Normal(0.0, scratch.par.σ_s1), x.s)
        return logpdf(Normal(scratch.par.ρ*x_prev.s, scratch.par.σ), x.s)

# Potential (stochastic volatility observation log-density)
function lG_sv(k, x, scratch)
    s = exp(.5*(scratch.par.β + x.s))        # Observation sd
    logpdf(Normal(0.0, s), scratch.y[k])   # y[k] ~ N(0, s^2)

# We are sampling transformed parameters (logit(ρ), log(σ), β)
# The function set_param! sets the model parameters, that is, transforms
# parameters to the 'actual' model parameter values.
inv_logit(x) = 2.0/(1.0+exp(-x)) - 1.0 # (-∞,∞) → (-1,1)
function set_param!(scratch, θ)
    scratch.par.ρ = inv_logit.logit_̢rho)
    scratch.par.σ = exp.log_sigma)
    scratch.par.β = θ.beta
    scratch.par.σ_s1 = scratch.par.σ/sqrt(1.0 - scratch.par.ρ^2) # Stationary variance

# Normal prior for the transformed parameters
function prior(theta)
    (logpdf(Normal(6.0,5.0), theta.logit_̢rho)
    +logpdf(Normal(-1.0,5.0), theta.log_sigma)
    +logpdf(Normal(-6.0,5.0), theta.beta))

# Create data structures for SequentialMonteCarlo:
T = length(sp500_data)
N = 64     # Number of particles
n = 40_000 # Number of PMCMC iterations

# Set up SMC state:
state = SMCState(T, N, SVParticle, SVScratch, set_param!, lG_sv, M_ar1!, lM_ar1)

# Initial (transformed) parameter vector
theta0 = LVector(logit_̢rho=0.0, log_sigma=0.0, beta=0.0)
# Particle marginal Metropolis-Hastings with Adaptive Metropolis
out_pmmh = adaptive_pmmh(theta0, prior, state, n;
  thin=100, show_progress=2, save_paths=true);

# Particle Gibbs with Robust Adaptive Metropolis
out_pg = adaptive_pg(theta0, prior, state, n;
  thin=100, show_progress=2, save_paths=true);

# The visualisation requires "StatsPlots" package; install by
# using Pkg; Pkg.add("StatsPlots")
using StatsPlots
function quantile_plot!(plt, S, p=0.95; x=1:size(S)[1])
    alpha = (1-p)/2
    qs = [alpha, 0.5, 1-alpha]
    Q = mapslices(x->quantile(x, qs), S, dims=2)
    plot!(plt, x, Q[:,2], ribbon=(Q[:,2]-Q[:,1], Q[:,3]-Q[:,2]), color=:black,
    legend=:false, fillalpha=0.2)
function show_out(out; title="")
    labels = [string.(typeof(out.theta0).parameters[4])...]
    p_theta = corrplot(out.Theta', size=(600,600), label=labels,
    title="Parameter posterior$title")
    # The volatilities:
    S = [out.X[j][i].s+out.Theta[3,j] for i=1:length(out.X[1]), j=1:length(out.X)]
    p_paths = plot(xlabel="Time", size=(600,800), ylabel="Log-volatility",
    legend=false, title="Latent posterior median, 50% and 95% credible intervals")
    quantile_plot!(p_paths, S, 0.95; x=data.Date[2:end])
    quantile_plot!(p_paths, S, 0.5; x=data.Date[2:end])
    p_data = plot(data.Date, log.(data.SP500), size=(600,800), ylabel="Log SP500", legend=false)
    plot(p_theta, p_paths, p_data, layout=grid(3,1, heights=[0.7,0.15,0.15]))