A Julia interface to ADIOS2
Author eschnett
13 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
May 2021


A Julia interface to ADIOS2, the Adaptable Input Output System version 2.

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It is best to read the ADIOS2 documentation before using this package.

ADIOS2 splits reading/writing variables into three parts:

  1. Define the metadata, i.e. the name, type, and shape (if array) of the variables
  2. Schedule the reads/writes, providing pointers to or buffer for the data
  3. Perform the actual reads/writes

This ensures that reads or writes can be performed very efficiently.

Writing a file

# Initialize ADIOS
using ADIOS2
adios = adios_init_serial()
io = declare_io(adios, "IO")
engine = open(io, "example.bp", mode_write)

# Define some variables
scalar = 247.0
svar = define_variable(io, "scalar", scalar)
array = Float64[10i + j for i in 1:2, j in 1:3]
avar = define_variable(io, "array", array)

# Schedule writing the variables
put!(engine, svar, scalar)
put!(engine, avar, array)

# Write the variables

Reading a file

# Initialize ADIOS
using ADIOS2
adios = adios_init_serial()
io = declare_io(adios, "IO")
engine = open(io, "example.bp", mode_read)

# List all variables
vars = inquire_all_variables(io)
for var in vars
    println("    ", name(var))
svar = inquire_variable(io, "scalar")
avar = inquire_variable(io, "array")

# Schedule reading the variables
scalar = Ref{Float64}()
get(engine, svar, scalar)
array = Array{Float64}(undef, 2, 3)
get(engine, avar, array)

# Read the variables

println("scalar: $(scalar[])")
println("array: $array")

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