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This package provides a common interface to integration algorithms that are efficient and high-order accurate for computational tasks including Brillouin-zone integration and Wannier interpolation. For further information on integrand interfaces, including optimizations for Wannier interpolation, please see the documentation.
If you use AutoBZCore.jl in your software or published research works, please cite one, or, all of the following. Citations help to encourage the development and maintenance of open-source scientific software.
- This repository:
- Our paper on BZ integration: Automatic, high-order, and adaptive algorithms for Brillouin zone integration. Jason Kaye, Sophie Beck, Alex Barnett, Lorenzo Van Muñoz, Olivier Parcollet. SciPost Phys. 15, 062 (2023)
AutoBZCore.jl was written by Lorenzo Van Muñoz, and is free/open-source software under the MIT license.