
Author Seelengrab
10 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
November 2022


This package contains register definitions and some utility functions for programming on AVR boards. Compilation of code using this package is best done using AVRCompiler.jl.

Currently only the ATmega328P is supported, due to ressource limitations of the author.

To install this package, simply ]add https://github.com/Seelengrab/AVRDevices.jl.

You can find examples of how to use this package in the examples subdirectory of this repository.


Simply do

using AVRDevices.Common
using AVRDevices.ATmega328P

or equivalent and start programming! Each board has definitions for the individual registers.

!!! warn Don't try to run any of the functions from Common or any of the device submodules on your development machine. The code will try to write to some (for a regular PC) pretty unusual pointers and will most likely segfault. If you need to inspect the generated code, use @code_llvm dump_module=true or inspect the generated AVR assembly after compilation with AVRCompiler.jl.

The Common submodule has definitions for a Register struct, as well as some utility functions for loading/storing from them (and pointers) in a way such that LLVM does not eliminate the loads & stores.

Registers can be read from like

val = r[]

and set like

r[] = val
# or this, if rpin1 is bit1 of register r
r[] = rpin1

All the usual operations like masking are supported via r[] &= mask. These register operations use volatile loading/storing under the hood.