
Julia implementation of the Belief Propagation algorithm for a few discrete graphical models.
Author ArtLabBocconi
10 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
November 2015


CI codecov

Implementation of Belief Propagation (BP) message passing for:

  • Ising model (Ising module)
  • Minimum weight perfect matching (Matching module)
  • Minimum weight perfect b-matching (BMatching module)

Package is still experimental and not thoroughly tested, use it at your own risk. Code contributions are very welcome!




Problem instances can be created using Erdos graph library. Problems are passed to BP methods as Network objects with features attached to edges and vertices.


using BeliefPropagation.Ising
using Erdos 

# Create Ising model on ErdosRenyi graph
# with random couplings and constant external field.
net = erdos_renyi(100, 0.02, Network)
eprop!(net, "J", e -> randn())
vprop!(net, "H", v -> 1)

## Run Belief Propagation at some temperature
### and extract magnetizations
fg = Ising.run_bp(net, T=2, maxiters=100);


using BeliefPropagation.Matching
using Erdos 
using LinearAlgebra

# Create an instance of the random assignment problem
net = CompleteBipartiteGraph(100, 100, Network)
pos = [rand(2) for i in 1:nv(net)]
eprop!(net, "w", e -> norm(pos[src(e)] .- pos[dst(e)]))

## Run Belief Propagation and obtain optimal cost and matching
E, match = Matching.run_bp(net, maxiters=100);

The algorithm is guaranteed to return exact solutions only on bipartite graphs (altough it may also work on non-bipartite).


Solve an instance of the minimum-weight perfect b-matching problem.

using BeliefPropagation.BMatching
using Erdos 
using LinearAlgebra

# Create an instance of the random assignment problem
net = CompleteGraph(100, Network)
eprop!(net, "w", e -> rand())
vprop!(net, "b", v -> rand(1:5))

## Run Belief Propagation and obtain optimal cost and matching
E, match = BMatching.run_bp(net, maxiters=100);

Related Packages

  • SAT.jl: a BP solver for SAT problems.
  • ForneyLab.jl: Bayesian inference algorithms through message passing on Forney-style factor graphs.
  • BinaryCommitteeMachineFBP.jl: Focusing Belief Propagation on commitee machines (neural network with one-hidden layer and a single output) with binary weights.


Problems to be implemented:

  • Low Density Parity Check codes (LDPC)
  • coloring
  • xorsat
  • Potts models
  • Steiner tree

Computation of Bethe free energies is also missing.