
An analogue to SciPy's stats module "binned_statistic" that's faster and written in native Julia
Author kirklong
3 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2022


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This is a lightweight repo that mimics the functionality of SciPy's binned statistic (scipy.stats.binned_statistic) in native Julia. This was coded with performance in mind — it's ~2x as fast as the SciPy implementation when using PyCall, and ~10-30x faster than using a somewhat hacky implementation from the StatsBase Histogram functionality. As of now it only exports the 1D binned statistic function, but I plan to extend this to incorporate multiple dimensions soon! Documentation in progress, but there's a decent doc-string if you type ?binnedStatistic at the REPL after importing the module.

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