
Author serenity4
2 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
September 2022


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage ColPrac: Contributor's Guide on Collaborative Practices for Community Packages

Lightweight package with zero dependencies aimed at manipulating BitMasks using an @enum like interface. BitMasks are combinations of boolean flags encoded as specific bits of an integer type. For example, 8 flags can be represented with a UInt8, from 0b1000000 to 0b00000001. A bitmask instance could then have a value of 0b10101101 in this case.

This package provides a way to define BitMasks from flag values and mask presets, and operators to manipulate them. First, you can create a bitmask type with

julia> using BitMasks

julia> @bitmask Mask::UInt32 begin
  # Flags.
  BIT_A = 1
  BIT_B = 2
  BIT_C = 4

  # Mask presets.
  BIT_AB = 3
  BIT_BC = 6
  BIT_ABC = 7

Mask presets are optional, but can be handy to group parameters especially when specific masks have a strong semantic meaning or when the number of flags is very large. The right-hand sides of the = assignments are required to be integer literals at the moment.

It is also possible to combine flags or masks to create new masks, for example

julia> BIT_A | BIT_C
Mask(BIT_A | BIT_C)

julia> BIT_A | BIT_B

julia> ~BIT_A

julia> BIT_BC  BIT_AB
Mask(BIT_A | BIT_C)

julia> BIT_BC & BIT_C

where | performs the union of different flags or masks, & their intersection, ~ their complement and xor the complement of their intersection. Note that | should be read as and instead of or from a semantic perspective.

You will have noticed that a specific printing is defined which will try to compact all combinations based on the provided presets to reduce verbosity.

Other utilities are defined, such as the extraction of all flags from a mask, conversion to/from integers and bits of extra type safety to avoid mixing flags coming from different masks:

julia> enabled_flags(BIT_ABC)
3-element Vector{Mask}:

julia> Int(BIT_A)

julia> Mask(1)

julia> @bitmask Mask2::UInt32 begin
         BIT_A_2 = 1
         BIT_B_2 = 2
         BIT_AB_2 = 3

julia> BIT_A | BIT_B_2
ERROR: Bitwise operation not allowed between incompatible BitMasks 'Mask', 'Mask2'

Finally, a few common Base methods were added for convenience:

julia> zero(Mask)

julia> iszero(zero(Mask))

julia> typemax(Mask)

Related packages

This package aims to be relatively simple and designed to work with integers only. Similar packages with slightly different feature sets include:

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