
A box-picking POMDP created using POMDPs.jl
Author jmuchovej
0 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
May 2023


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage Code Style: Blue

A scalable MOMDP that mirrors a box-searching task for an item. As a MOMDP, the agent will always know their location (represented by a Point), but their belief will vary over the contents of the given boxes.

Suppose that:

  • $B = \{ \text{Box(1, 5)}, \text{Box(5, 5)}, \text{Box(5, 1)} \}$
  • $L = \{ \text{Point(1, 1)}, \text{Point(1, 5)}, \text{Point(5, 5)}, \text{Point(5, 1)} \}$
  • $I = \{ ๐Ÿ‹, ๐Ÿ“, ๐Ÿฅ, ๐Ÿ \}$

Note: $\text{Point(1, 1)}$ is the spawn location.

  • Action space ($\mathcal{A}$): [[Move(box) for box in B]..., Take()]
    • Move(box) will move the agent from its current location to the targeted box.
    • Take() will take the contents at the current box. At the spawn location, this is an invalid action which does not transition to a new state.
  • Observation space ($\mathcal{O}$): [item for item in I]
    • item only has the requirement that it's a Symbol. Thus, the agent may observe whatever items you specify are allowed to be in the boxes.

      Note that BoxesWorld does not support items only being in certain boxes (e.g., lemons (๐Ÿ‹) are only allowed in odd-number boxes).

  • State space ($\mathcal{S}$): Each state is a known location drawn from $L$ and potential box contents, drawn from $I$ spread across the given boxes, thus there are $|B|^{|I|}$ combinations of items $I$ in boxes $B$. The state-space is always $|L| \times |B|^{|I|}$ where $|L|$ is the number of locations, $|B|$ is the number of boxes, and $|I|$ is the number of items.

Example (3 boxes, 4 fruits: [๐Ÿ‹, ๐Ÿ“, ๐Ÿฅ, ๐Ÿ])

Example code in examples/boxes=3-fruits=๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ“๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ

The world is rotated by 45 degrees to accentuate costs, but is set in a 5x5 grid-like world. Specifically, there are 3 boxes at (1, 5), (5, 5), and (5, 1). Each box may contain only one fruit, but collectively there may be any combination of fruits.

  • Action space: [Move(1), Move(2), Move(3), Take()]
  • Observation space: [:๐Ÿ‹, :๐Ÿ“, :๐Ÿฅ, :๐Ÿ]
  • State space:
  states = map([Point(1, 1), Point(1, 5), Point(5, 5), Point(5, 1)]) do location
    map(product(ITEMS, ITEMS, ITEMS)) do (box1, box2, box3)
      return State(location, [box1, box2, box3])
  end |> flatten |> collect

Note that Point(1, 1) is the spawn location โ€“ this is where initial beliefs may be modified so represent non-uniform initial beliefs!

Example of the BoxWorld layout with an agent, three boxes, and a kiwi, lemon, and strawberry in boxes 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Example of an Agent's trajectory in a BoxesWorld with three boxes. Boxes 1 and 2 have lemons, Box 3 has a strawberry. The agent moved to Box 2, then Box 3, and took the strawberry.

On the left, we have an agent in a 3-box world with a kiwi (๐Ÿฅ), lemon (๐Ÿ‹), and strawberry (๐Ÿ“) in boxes 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The agent cannot observe the contents of the box until it visits the box.

On the right, we have an agent in a similar world but with lemons (๐Ÿ‹) in boxes 1 and 2, and a kiwi (๐Ÿฅ) in box 3. The agent took actions Move(2), Move(3), Take(). Thus, the agent observed a lemon (๐Ÿ‹) in Box 2, then a strawberry (๐Ÿ“) in Box 3, and took the strawberry (๐Ÿ“) in Box 3.

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