
Automatic local bundling of remote resources as relocatable Julia objects
Author MichaelHatherly
1 Star
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
October 2023


Automatic local bundling of remote resources as relocatable Julia objects

A small Julia package to automate the process of bundling web resources from remote URLs (usually CDNs) into embedded relocatable content that can then be served from a single server rather than from multiple third-party sources.


using BundledWebResources

const RESOURCE = Resource(
    sha256 = "bf56aa89e1d4df155b43b9192f2fd85dfb0e6279e05c025e6090d8503d004608",

You must provide a SHA256 hash of the expected content to ensure resource integrity of the included files. Verify the validity of the hash before including it in any deployments.

If you want to be able to Revise that value without running into redefinition errors then use the @comptime macro can help out with that.

using BundledWebResources

function resource()
    return @comptime Resource(
        sha256 = "bf56aa89e1d4df155b43b9192f2fd85dfb0e6279e05c025e6090d8503d004608",

This will evaluate the Resource at compile-time such that the content of the remote resource will be embedded in system images to avoid returning deployed code to download the resource on initial startup.


Local resources, such as artifacts generated by external tools such as JS or CSS bundlers, can be made to participate in the same system but using the LocalResource type. In combination with RelocatableFolders this allows for easy deployment of built artifacts via system images.

using RelocatableFolders, BundledWebResources

const DIST_DIR = @path joinpath(@__DIR__, "dist")

function resource()
    return @comptime LocalResource(DIST_DIR, "output.css")

Again using the @comptime macro to allow for redefinition if required. Though using a bare const would usually be sufficient.

using RelocatableFolders, BundledWebResources

const DIST_DIR = @path joinpath(@__DIR__, "dist")

const CSS_OUTPUT = LocalResource(DIST_DIR, "output.css")

Resource transformer functions

The LocalResource type accepts a third optional argument that is a function (directory, file) -> content that can be used to generate the content of the resource at request time (cached in production use). This can be used to generate resources from other resources, such as TypeScript to JavaScript conversion using the experimental bun_build function.

function bundled_resource()
    return @comptime LocalResource(

Above bun_build returns a closure that will convert bundled.ts to bundled.js using the bun build command.

You can use this optional transformer argument to do any kind of custom processing of resources you want, even generating completely synthetic resources from String content.

function fake_resource_content(_dir, _file)
    return """
    console.log("Hello, world!");

function fake_resource()
    return @comptime LocalResource(

Note that these resource generating functions are Revise-aware and will rebuild the resource content when the String content changes if you have Revise loaded and browser hot-reloads enabled using ReloadableMiddleware.

Resource Router

The main use case of these resources is serving them to clients via an HTTP server. A ResourceRouter(mod::Module) function is exported for this use. You can define a router for all resources defined in a Module that can be used in an HTTP.jl server. When Revise is loaded these resources will "live updated", otherwise they'll remain as static content in production builds that don't include Revise.

module MyBundledResources

using BundledWebResources

# ...


using HTTP, BundledWebResources

resource_router = ResourceRouter(MyBundledResources)
HTTP.serve(endpoint_router |> resource_router, HTTP.Sockets.localhost, 8080)

Experimental web resource bundling

This feature is subject to change.

Experimental support for bundling web resources is provided via the bun command-line tool which is provided via the Julia artifacts system and does not need to be installed manually. Note that bun does not currently support Windows. The BundledWebResources.bun function will throw an error on that platform currently.

A watch function is provided that can register a callback function to be run each time the bun build rebuilds the bundled files. This can be used to trigger browser reloads or other actions.


A selection of recipes for common use cases of this package and integrations with other complementary packages.

Font Bundling and Loading

Rather than manually downloading and installing fonts to be served by an application (instead of a CDN) you can use BundledWebResources to bundle fonts into your application and serve them from there.

Fontsource is a good source for retrieving fonts from for this purpose. Locate a font, or several, for example Inter. Navigate to the CDN tab and select the variants you want to include in your application.

Find the current version of the font (rather than using latest, which will change over time and void the sha256 hash). This can be found on the NPM link on the font page. Also find the URL to use for the font, which will be url() in the required CSS content. Something like https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/fontsource/fonts/inter:vf@latest/latin-wght-normal.woff2. Switch the latest for the version number. E.g. https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/fontsource/fonts/inter:vf@5.0.16/latin-wght-normal.woff2 so that the sha256 hash will be stable.

function inter_woff2()
    return @comptime Resource(
        sha256 = "88df0b5a7bc397dbc13a26bb8b3742cc62cd1c9b0dded57da7832416d6f52f42",

Create a LocalResource for the fontface CSS file. This will be used to load the font from the bundled resource.

function fontfaces_css_content(_dir, _file)
    return """
    /* inter-latin-wght-normal */
    @font-face {
      font-family: 'Inter Variable';
      font-style: normal;
      font-display: swap;
      font-weight: 100 900;
      src: url($(pathof(inter_woff2()))) format('woff2-variations');
      unicode-range: U+0000-00FF,U+0131,U+0152-0153,U+02BB-02BC,U+02C6,U+02DA,U+02DC,U+0300-0301,U+0303-0304,U+0308-0309,U+0323,U+0329,U+2000-206F,U+2074,U+20AC,U+2122,U+2191,U+2193,U+2212,U+2215,U+FEFF,U+FFFD;

function fontfaces_css()
    return @comptime LocalResource(

And then reference the fontfaces.css file in your HTML. Here using HypertextTemplates.jl dynamic attribute syntax, .href=, to interpolate the path to the versioned resource.

<link rel="stylesheet" .href="$(pathof(fontfaces_css()))" />

Finally, set your font-family to the font name in your CSS.

body {
    font-family: "Inter Variable", sans-serif;

If using Tailwind CSS, for example, you can set the fontFamily property in your tailwind.config.js file.

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontFamily: {
      sans: ["Inter Variable", "sans-serif"],

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