
Allow caching precompiled Julia code in a specified directory
Author jlapeyre
3 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
February 2022


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CachePath allows temporarily using a depot for saving and loading precompiled cache (.ji) files.

If you have ever been frustrated in trying to store and load precompiled caches from a particular location by manipulating DEPOT_PATH[1], then CachePath might solve your problem. CachePath does not work by manipulating DEPOT_PATH or any other list of paths. Rather, CachePath.require is a copy of Base.require (which is called by using and import) that takes an additional argument, a depot path. This depot path is only valid during that call, and only for the package required. Other lists of paths, including DEPOT_PATH and LOAD_PATH are ignored during this call. The source and caches for other packages, (eg. dependencies) will be searched in the usual way, with the special depot path playing no role.

The only symbol exported from CachePath is @cpimport.

Macro @cpimport

@cpimport module depot_path::AbstractString

Import module using depot_path to store and retrieve the precompile cache. Precompile caches existing elsewhere are ignored.

The semantics of @cpimport probably differ from those of import in other ways.


Import the module Example using "./newdepot" for storing and retrieving the precompile cache.

julia> @cpimport Example "./newdepot"

Import Example inside another module

module NewMod
using CachePath

@cpimport Example "./depot1"



CachePath.require(package::AbstractString, depot_path::AbstractString)
CachePath.require(package::Base.PkgId, depot_path::AbstractString)

Load package and store the cached precompile file in the depot specified by depot_path. If it does not exist, depot_path is created. If the cached precompiled file is found in depot_path, then it is loaded.

CachePath.require(into::Module, module::Symbol, depot_path::AbstractString)

This is almost a copy of the function in Base with the same signature. It is called by @cpimport


const Example = CachePath.require("Example", "./a_depot")