
A small package of helpful functions to operate on structured Cartesian domains
Author smillerc
0 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
February 2024


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CartesianDomains.jl is a lightweight library used to work with Cartesian domains and provide conveinent indexing functions. This arose from a need to write dimension-agnostic code for stencil-like operations and halo-aware domains.

The currently exported functions include:

  • shift: Shift a CartesianIndex by n along a given axis. This is useful for getting indices like [i+1,j,k] but in a dimension agnostic manner
  • expand: Expand a domain:CartesianIndices{N} by n (or contract by -n) along all axes or a specified axis
  • expand_lower: Expand a domain:CartesianIndices{N} by n (or contract by -n) along the lower bound on all along all axes or a specified axis
  • expand_upper: Expand a domain:CartesianIndices{N} by n (or contract by -n) along the upper bound on all along all axes or a specified axis
  • extract_from_lower: Extract a subdomain at the lower bound from domain:CartesianIndices{N} along all axes or a give axis with a width of n
  • extract_from_upper: Extract a subdomain from the upper bound from domain:CartesianIndices{N} along all axes or a give axis with a width of n
  • haloedge_regions: Extract halo and corresponding edge regions from a domain along a given axis, where the subdomain has a size nhalo along a given axis. The user can also specify nedge if the edge region needs to be a smaller size than nhalo

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