Wrapper of CLBlast, a "tuned OpenCL BLAS library". This package has been inspired by CLBLAS.jl and the BLAS module of Julia and is designed similarly.
Most low-level bindings and high-level wrappers of BLAS level 1, 2, and 3 routines are implemented.
using CLBlast, OpenCL
@static if VERSION < v"0.7-"
LA = LinAlg
using Random, LinearAlgebra
LA = LinearAlgebra
device, context, queue = cl.create_compute_context()
# setup data
α = 1.f0
β = 1.f0
A = rand(Float32, 10, 8)
B = rand(Float32, 8, 6)
C = zeros(Float32, 10, 6)
# transfer data
A_cl = cl.CLArray(queue, A)
B_cl = cl.CLArray(queue, B)
C_cl = cl.CLArray(queue, C)
# compute
LA.BLAS.gemm!('N', 'N', α, A, B, β, C)
CLBlast.gemm!('N', 'N', α, A_cl, B_cl, β, C_cl)
# compare results
@assert cl.to_host(C_cl) ≈ C
Since this package is registered, you can add it using ]
(activate package mode) and
(v0.7) pkg> add CLBlast
on Julia v0.7
or newer and using
julia> Pkg.add("CLBlast")
on Julia v0.6
. During the build process, a suitable version of CLBlast will be
downloaded and build. On Linux, you have to install clang
, since the available
binaries of CLBlast will fail to work with complex numbers from Julia.