
Author jbrea
29 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
May 2020


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The CMA Evolution Strategy is a stochastic method for derivative-free optimization of potentially non-linear, non-convex or noisy functions over continuous domains (Hansen 2016). A brief discussion of its performance in practice can be found on wikipedia.

The default settings and implementation details follow closely Hansen 2016 and pycma.


julia> function rosenbrock(x)
           n = length(x)
           sum(100 * (x[2i-1]^2 - x[2i])^2 + (x[2i-1] - 1)^2 for i in 1:div(n, 2))

julia> using CMAEvolutionStrategy

julia> result = minimize(rosenbrock, zeros(6), 1.)
(4_w,9)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=2.8,w_1=49%) in dimension 6 (seed=17743412058849885570, 2020-05-12T16:22:27.211)
  iter   fevals   function value      sigma   time[s]
     1        9   6.06282462e+02   8.36e-01     0.008
     2       18   6.00709117e+02   8.42e-01     0.009
     3       27   2.40853796e+02   7.84e-01     0.009
   100      900   8.25748973e-01   1.44e-01     0.021
   200     1800   2.21358637e-05   1.12e-02     0.040
   266     2394   5.58767672e-12   2.76e-05     0.051
(4_w,9)-aCMA-ES (mu_w=2.8,w_1=49%) in dimension 6 (seed=17743412058849885570, 2020-05-12T16:22:27.254)
  termination reason: ftol = 1.0e-11 (2020-05-12T16:22:27.255)
  lowest observed function value: 1.076905008476142e-12 at [0.9999990479016964, 0.9999981609497738, 0.9999990365312236, 0.9999981369588251, 0.9999994689450983, 0.9999988356249463]
  population mean: [1.000000255106133, 1.0000004709845969, 1.0000006232562606, 1.0000012290059055, 0.9999998790530266, 0.9999997338544545]

julia> xbest(result)
6-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> fbest(result)

julia> population_mean(result)
6-element Array{Float64,1}:

help?> minimize
search: minimize

  minimize(f, x0, s0;
           lower = nothing,
           upper = nothing,
           constraints = _constraints(lower, upper),
           noise_handling = nothing,
           popsize = 4 + floor(Int, 3*log(length(x0))),
           callback = (object, inputs, function_values, ranks) -> nothing,
           parallel_evaluation = false,
           multi_threading = false,
           verbosity = 1,
           seed = rand(UInt),
           logger = BasicLogger(x0, verbosity = verbosity, callback = callback),
           maxtime = nothing,
           maxiter = nothing,
           maxfevals = nothing,
           stagnation = 100 + 100 * length(x0)^1.5/popsize,
           ftarget = nothing,
           xtol = nothing,
           ftol = 1e-11)

  Minimize function f starting around x0 with initial covariance s0 * I under box constraints
  lower .<= x0 .<= upper, where x0, lower and upper are vectors of the same length or

  The result is an Optimizer object from which e.g. xbest, fbest or population_mean can be

  If parallel_evaluation = true, the objective function f receives matrices of n rows (n =
  length(x0)) and popsize columns and should return a vector of length popsize. To use
  multi-threaded parallel evaluation of the objective function, set multi_threading = true
  and start julia with multiple threads (c.f. julia manual for the multi-threading

Noise Handling

The standard settings may work well for noisy objective functions. To avoid premature convergence due to too fast decrease of sigma, there is the option noise_handling = CMAEvolutionStrategy.NoiseHandling(ασ = 1.1, callback = s -> s > 0). Choose ασ such that sigma decreases slowly (and does not diverge). The callback function can be used to change the objective function, e.g. increase the measurement duration, if this leads to smaller noise. The variable s indicates whether CMA-ES can handle the current level of noise: s > 0 indicates that the noise level is too high. Whenever the callback returns true, sigma gets multiplied by ασ, which is the case when s > 0, with the default callback.

For details on noise handling see Hansen 2009.


Running BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking in 24 dimensions, highlights the advantage of CMA-ES early in optimization. All methods were chained into NelderMead after 90% of the run length (c.f. BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking)

CMAES = this package, BBO = BlackBoxOptim, NES = NaturalES, Evo = Evolutionary, PyCMA = pycma