is a small Julia package providing data-bags which
are a quick way to store structured data. Data-bags combine properties and
dictionaries to associate keys (preferably symbols or strings) with values (of
any types) in a flexible way. From the user viewpoint, data-bags behave like
dynamic structures whose fields can be modified or created with the syntax of
structured objects, i.e. obj.key
. They can also be deleted by calling
. As an example:
using DataBags, Dates
A = DataBag(date = now(), Δx = 0.1, x = -3:0.1:5)
A.Δx # get value of key `Δx`
A.y = sin.(A.x) # creates new key `y`
which shows how easy it is to create a data-bag and access its fields. Data-bags can also be indexed by their keys like dictionaries:
A[:Δx] # is the same as `A.Δx`
A[:y] = cos.(A[:x]) # is the same as `A.y = cos.(A.x)`
but this is, to my opinion, less readable and boring to type especially in an
interactive session. More generally, data-bag types are sub-types of
so you can expect that data-bags can be used like dictionaries.
For instance, you can apply pop
, merge
, merge!
, delete!
, etc. on a
Admittedly, data-bags are less efficient than true Julia structures (there is
some overhead for retrieving a field of a data-bag) but they can be very
handful in interactive sessions or when designing new code: when the exact
contents of your data structures is not yet determined, data-bags let you
extend their contents without the pain of redefining your structures,
re-including your code and recreating your objects, etc. Tools such as
can help but cannot automatically determine what to do
with new members of existing objects if their type definition has changed.
Data-bags are created by calling the DataBag(...)
constructor. The initial
contents of data-bags can be specified by keywords, by key-value pairs, or as a
dictionary (AbstractDict
). To avoid ambiguities, these different styles
cannot be mixed. Below are a few examples:
using DataBags
A = DataBag( units = "µm", Δx = 0.1, Δy = 0.2)
B = DataBag(:units => "µm", :Δx => 0.1, :Δy => 0.2)
C = DataBag("units" => "µm", "Δx" => 0.1, "Δy" => 0.2)
D = DataBag(1 => 0.9, 2 => sqrt(2), 3 => 4)
These statements yield two data-bags, A
and B
, with symbolic keys (of type
), a data-bag, C
, with textual keys (of type String
) and a
data-bag, D
, with integer keys (of type Int
). All these data-bags can
store values of Any
Accessing a value is possible via the syntax obj[key]
or, for symbolic and
textual keys, via the syntax obj.key
. Accessing values via the syntax
is faster for symbolic keys than for textual keys (because it
involves converting a symbol into a string).
Data-bag constructors attempt to favor symbolic or string keys (to exploit the
syntax) and enforce unspecific values of Any
type (for
flexibility). In order to override these rules, the parametric versions
or DataBag{K,V}
of the constructor, with K
the key type and
the value type, can be called instead. For example:
E = DataBag{Integer}(1 => 0.9, 2 => sqrt(2), 3 => 4)
F = DataBag{Integer,Real}(1 => 0.9, 2 => sqrt(2), 3 => 4)
yield two data-bags, E
and F
, both with integer keys (of any Integer
type), the values of E
are unspecific while the values of F
are restricted
to be Real
The same rules apply if the data-bag is built out of an existing dictionary
(remember that data-bags are themselves abstract dictionaries). So
yields a data-bag with keys of the same type as those of F
is Integer
in that case) but values of Any
When a data-bag is built out of an existing dictionary, the data-bag creates a
new dictionary to store its values and initializes it with the contents of the
dictionary passed in argument. After the creation of the data-bag, the
data-bag and the original dictionary are independent. Their values, which may
be references to other objects, may not be independent though. If you want to
make a data-bag that stores its contents in a given dictionary, say dict
wrap(DataBag, dict)
instead of:
If no arguments nor keywords are specified, the data-bag created by DataBag()
is initially empty and has symbolic keys with any type of values, i.e. an
instance of Dict{Symbol,Any}
is used for storing the key-value pairs.
Unless iterate
is overridden, iterating on an AbstractDataBag
is iterating
on its key-value pairs.
Calling the contents
method on an AbstractDataBag
yields the internal
object, an AbstractDict
, used to store the data of the data-bag.
The DataBags
package provides simple means to facilitate creating new
sub-types of DataBags.AbstractDataBag
so as to benefit from the common
interface implemented for data-bags. The following steps are needed:
Make your type inherit from
the key type,V
the value type andD<:AbstractDict{K,V}
the type of the dictionary storing the key-value pairs. -
Extend the
method for your custom typeT
so that it returns the dictionary storing the key-value pairs in an instanceA
. -
Optionally provide some constructor(s) to facilitate creation of objects of type
. You may also consider extending theDataBags.wrap
method if.
Here is a first example:
using DataBags
# Define a concrete sub-type of `DataBags.AbstractDataBag`.
struct BagEx1{K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} <: DataBags.AbstractDataBag{K,V,D}
data::D # object used to store key-value pairs
... # another member
... # yet another member
... # etc.
# Override `DataBags.contents` to yield the dictionary that stores the data.
DataBags.contents(A::BagEx1) = Base.getfield(A, :data)
Note that Base.getfield
has to be used to retrieve a member of objects whose
type is derived from DataBags.AbstractDataBag
as for the member data
of the
object A
in the above example. This is because the getproperty
methods are overridden to implement the obj.key
syntax for
sub-types of DataBags.AbstractDataBag
In the above example, it is only possible to create a data-bag of type
out of a dictionary which is shared by the data-bag. The only
advantage over a simple dictionary is the obj.key
syntax provided keys have
type Symbol
or String
To improve over this first example, we want to implement the same kind of
creation rules as DataBag
. This leads to the following code:
using DataBags
# Define a concrete sub-type of `DataBags.AbstractDataBag`.
struct BagEx2{K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} <: DataBags.AbstractDataBag{K,V,D}
data::D # object used to store key-value pairs
... # another member
... # yet another member
... # etc.
# Explicitely define inner constructor to avoid outer constructor
# automatically created by Julia.
BagEx2{K,V,D}(data::D) where {K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} = new{K,V,D}(data)
# Outer constructor.
BagEx2(args...; kdws...) =
wrap(BagEx2, contents(Dict{Any,Any}, args...; kdws...))
# Override `DataBags.contents` to yield the dictionary that stores the data.
DataBags.contents(A::BagEx2) = Base.getfield(A, :data)
# Override `DataBags.wrap` to create an instance of `BagEx2` that stores
# its data in a given dictionary.
DataBags.wrap(::Type{BagEx2}, data::D) where {K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} =
In this second example, we have:
Explictely defined an inner constructor so as to forbid creating a data-bag that shares an existing dictionary, say
, by calling the constructorBagEx2
. This is however possible by callingwrap(BagEx2,dict)
. -
Defined an outer constructor that calls the
method over the dictionary created by theDataBags.contents
method called withDict{K,V}
as a first argument, followed by all arguments and keywords passed to your constructor: -
Overridden methods
(as in the first example) andDataBags.wrap
. The latter is to wrap a dictionary in a newBagEx2
instance taking care of supplying the correct type parameters{K,V,D}
To add constructors with constraints on the type of keys and values, you may
have a look at the complete implementation of the DataBag
type which is
summarized below:
struct DataBag{K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} <: AbstractDataBag{K,V,D}
data::D # data data-bag
# Provide inner constructor to let outer constructors deal with type
# parameters.
DataBag{K,V,D}(data::D) where {K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} =
# Outer constructors.
DataBag(args...; kwds...) =
wrap(DataBag, contents(Dict{Any,Any}, args...; kwds...))
DataBag{K}(args...; kwds...) where {K} =
wrap(DataBag, contents(Dict{K,Any}, args...; kwds...))
DataBag{K,V}(args...; kwds...) where {K,V} =
wrap(DataBag, contents(Dict{K,V}, args...; kwds...))
# Extends the `contents` method to benefit from the API of `AbstractDataBag`.
@inline contents(A::DataBag) = Base.getfield(A, :data)
# Extend the `wrap` method to create instances of `DataBag`.
wrap(::Type{DataBag}, data::D) where {K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} =
wrap(::Type{DataBag{K}}, data::D) where {K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} =
wrap(DataBag, data)
wrap(::Type{DataBag{K,V}}, data::D) where {K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} =
wrap(DataBag, data)
wrap(::Type{DataBag{K,V,D}}, data::D) where {K,V,D<:AbstractDict{K,V}} =
wrap(DataBag, data)
The DataBag
type provided by DataBags
may be sufficient for your needs but
you may want to specialize it a bit to exploit the power of type dispatching
in Julia and to implement some specific behavior. The most simple example of
creating such a sub-type takes about half a dozen of lines of code:
using DataBags
struct BagEx3 <: DataBags.AbstractDataBag{Symbol,Any,Dict{Symbol,Any}}
BagEx3(args...; kwds...) =
new(DataBags.contents(Dict{Symbol,Any}, args...; kwds...))
DataBags.contents(A::BagEx3) = Base.getfield(A, :data)
Et voilà! That is all you need to create a new type, BagEx3
, whose
instances behave like a dictionary with symbolic keys and any type of values,
implement the obj.key
syntax to get/set the value of key
(as a shortcut of
) and which can be constructed using keywords, e.g. obj = BagEx3(id=1, x=-3.14:0.1:3.14, units="µm")
This usage is so common that a macro is provided by the DataBags
package and
the above statements can be reduced to:
using DataBags
DataBags.@newtype BagEx3
using the macro not only saves typing (to encourage creating such data-bag
types) but also warrants that the implementation is correct and follows further
evolutions of the DataBags