A convenient frontend for calculating dynamical correlation functions and related observables based on matrix-product states time evolution methods.
The symbolic operator representation of a quantum lattice system in condensed matter physics is based on the package QuantumLattices
The matrix-product states time evolution methods such as TEBD, MPO $W^{II}$ and TDVP are based on packages ITensors and MPSKit
The bechmark of dynamical correlation functions and related observables is the result from exact diagonalization method based on the packages ExactDiagonalization
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Currently unavailable
Dynamical correlation functions
Discrete space and time Fourier transforms
If the $x$ variable has only discrete values ($x=na$, for $n=1,2,3,...,N$) and finite length $L$ ($L=Na$), the expansion of the function is
If the times $t$ are discrete times ($t=l\Delta t$, for $l=0,1,2,...,N$) and the final evolutionary time $t_{\mathrm{end}}=N\Delta t$, the expansion of the function is
Although a Fourier series is designed to represent functions that are periodic, one can assume that the finite data sequence can be periodically repeated, which leads to the time at index $l=N$ is identified with the time at $l=0$. However, the small errors made at the end of a period will be irrelevant as long as the primary correlations decay in less time than $t_{\mathrm{end}}$.
Space and time correlations
By use of double Fourier transforms, one can obtain the $k-\omega$ space correlation function $G(k,\omega)$,
Here, the matrix-product states time evolution methods are implemented to solve the state $e^{-iHt}C^{\dagger}\left( x_{m}\right) | 0\rangle$.
Wysin G M. Magnetic Excitations and Geometric Confinement[M]. Philadelphia, USA: IOP, 2015.
Paeckel S, Köhler T, Swoboda A, et al. Time-evolution methods for matrix-product states[J]. Annals of Physics, 2019, 411: 167998.
Quantum lattice
come soon
come soon
come soon
Due to the fast development of this package, releases with different minor version numbers are not guaranteed to be compatible with previous ones before the release of v1.0.0. Comments are welcomed in the issues.
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