Prototype interactive debugger for the Julia language. Bug reports and feature suggestions are welcome at The package also supports evaluation of expressions in local scope.
In julia, install the Debug
First, import the Debug
using Debug
Use the @debug
macro to mark code that you want to be able to step through.
Use the @bp
macro to set a breakpoint
-- interactive debugging will commence at the first breakpoint encountered.
There is also a conditional version, e.g. @bp x>0
will break only when x>0.
can only be used in global (i.e. module) scope,
since it needs access to all
scopes that surround a piece of code to be analyzed.
The following single-character commands have special meaning:
: display help text
: step into
: step over any enclosed scope
: step out from the current scope
: continue to next breakpoint
l [n]
: list n
source lines above and below current line, if source file information is available at this point (default n = 3
p cmd
: print cmd
evaluated in current scope
: quit debug session (calls error("interrupted")
Anything else is parsed and evaluated in the current scope.
To e.g. evaluate a variable named n
, it can be entered with
a space prepended.
Put the following in a file called example.jl
using Debug
@debug function test()
parts = {}
for j=1:3
for i=1:3
push!(parts,"($i,$j) ")
Then, in the Julia terminal:
julia> include("example.jl")
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:4
3 parts = {}
--> 4 @bp
5 for j=1:3
debug:4> j
j not defined
debug:4> parts
debug:4> s
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:5
4 @bp
--> 5 for j=1:3
6 for i=1:3
debug:5> s
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:6
5 for j=1:3
--> 6 for i=1:3
7 push!(parts,"($i,$j) ")
debug:6> s
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:7
6 for i=1:3
--> 7 push!(parts,"($i,$j) ")
8 end
debug:7> i
debug:7> s
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:7
6 for i=1:3
--> 7 push!(parts,"($i,$j) ")
8 end
debug:7> i
debug:7> parts
{"(1,1) "}
debug:7> parts = {}
debug:7> o
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:6
5 for j=1:3
--> 6 for i=1:3
7 push!(parts,"($i,$j) ")
debug:6> j
debug:6> n
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:6
5 for j=1:3
--> 6 for i=1:3
7 push!(parts,"($i,$j) ")
debug:6> j
debug:6> push!(parts, "foo ")
{"(2,1) ","(3,1) ","(1,2) ","(2,2) ","(3,2) ","foo "}
debug:6> c
at /home/toivo/.julia/Debug/test/example.jl:10
9 end
--> 10 @bp
11 println(parts...)
debug:10> parts
{"(2,1) ","(3,1) ","(1,2) ","(2,2) ","(3,2) ","foo ","(1,3) ","(2,3) ","(3,3) "}
debug:10> c
(2,1) (3,1) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) foo (1,3) (2,3) (3,3)
The Debug
package has not been written with support for parallel execution in
mind. The instrumentation code that is inserted by the @debug
macro will
likely not work as intended for code that is sent to another process, or run in
another thread. It might also cause trouble for Julia's serialization code,
since the instrumentation code contains references to data structures with
For these reasons, it is recommended that if there is code inside of a
macro invocation that might be run in another thread or process to
additionally wrap that code with the @notrap
macro, and not use Debug
features such as @localscope
inside of it.
This will ensure that no instrumentation is
generated for the code in question and it will be passed through as is.
Consequently, stepping through code wrapped in @notrap
is not possible.
Interpolations in entered code will currently be evaluated in the context of
the Debug.Session
module, before the expression itself is evaluated
in the context of the current scope.
Some of the debugger's internal state has been made
available through this mechanism, and can be manipulated to influence
: The current node
: The current scope
: Set{Node}
of enabled breakpoints
: Set{Node}
of disabled @bp
: Dict{Node}
of grafts
Nodes refer to positions in the instrumented code,
represented by nodes in the decorated AST produced from the original code.
Breakpoints can be manipulated using e.g.
$(push!(bp, n)) # set breakpoint at the current node
$(delete!(bp, n)) # unset breakpoint at the current node
$(push!(nobp, n)) # ignore @bp breakpoint at the current node
The above examples can also be written as e.g. $push!($bp, $n)
Code snippets can also be grafted into instrumented code. E.g.
$(pre[n] = :(x = 0))
will make the code x = 0
execute right before each execution of the current
Other nodes than the current node $n
could be used
in the examples above.
Such nodes can be found by navigating from the current node,
but the there is not much support for this yet.
By design, the Julia eval function only allows to evaluate code in global (i.e. module) scope. This allows for all kinds of optimizations, e.g. since the compiler can see all uses of all local variables.
The Debug
package needs to be able to evaluate code in local scopes when it
is entered at the debug prompt however; in fact this is the main functionality
that the package provides, and can also be used as a standalone feature.
To allow evaluation in a local scope, code is instrumented to create Scope
objects, which contain getter and setter functions for each local variable
accesible in a given scope.
Code wrapped inside the @debug
macro can retrieve the current scope object
using the @localscope
macro. If minimal code instrumentation is desired,
parts or all of the code wrapped in the @debug
macro can be wrapped in the
macro. The @notrap
macro will disable stepping through the wrapped code, but will still allow the @localscope
macro to be used.
objects will then only be created when entering scopes where they will
be needed by some nested @localscope
Once a Scope
object is available, local variables can be read and assigned
in it by indexing with the corresponding symbols, and listed using
. Expressions can also be evaluated in a scope using the
using Debug
@debug @notrap function f(x)
outer = @localscope
local inner
pos = "outer"
let pos = "inner"
y = x
inner = @localscope
(outer, inner)
outer, inner = f(5)
@show keys(outer) keys(inner) # y is only present in inner
@show outer[:x] inner[:x] # x is the same variable in both scopes
@show outer[:pos] inner[:pos] # pos refers to different variables in inner and outer
println("\nSetting `inner[:x] = 3`:")
inner[:x] = 3 # assigns to the single variable x
@show outer[:x] inner[:x] # both values have been updated
@show debug_eval(inner, :(x*x)) # evaluate an expression in the inner scope
which produces the output
keys(outer) => Set{Symbol}({:outer,:pos,:inner,:x})
keys(inner) => Set{Symbol}({:outer,:pos,:inner,:x,:y})
outer[:x] => 5
inner[:x] => 5
outer[:pos] => "outer"
inner[:pos] => "inner"
Setting `inner[:x] = 3`:
outer[:x] => 3
inner[:x] => 3
debug_eval(inner,:(x * x)) => 9
As seen above, it is possible to evaluate code in a local scope and to change
the values of variables in it.
It is however not possible to define new variables in a local scope,
so the expression passed to debug_eval
will be evaluated as if it
were inside a let
block in the given scope.
There is an @instrument
macro that works similarly to the @debug
but takes as first argument a trap function to be called at each
expression that lies directly in a block. The example
using Base, Debug
firstline = -1
function trap(node::Node, scope::Scope)
global firstline = (firstline == -1) ? node.loc.line : firstline
line = node.loc.line - firstline + 1
print(line, ":")
if (line == 2); debug_eval(scope, :(x += 1)) end
if (line > 1); print("\tx = ", debug_eval(scope, :x)) end
if (line == 3); print("\tk = ", debug_eval(scope, :k)) end
@instrument trap function f(n)
x = 0 # line 1
for k=1:n # line 2
x += k # line 3
end # line 4
x = x*x # line 5
x # line 6
produces the output
2: x = 1
3: x = 1 k = 1
3: x = 2 k = 2
3: x = 4 k = 3
5: x = 7
7: x = 49
The scope
argument passed to the trap
function can be used with
debug_eval(scope, ex)
to evaluate an expression ex
as if it were in
that scope.
in turn relies on the function Debug.Graft.instrument
which also allows to to specify at which nodes to add traps.
The foundations of the Debug
package is code for
analyzing the scoping of symbols in a piece of code,
and to modify code to allow one piece of code to be evaluated as
if it were at some particular point in another piece of code.
The interactive debug facility is built on top of this.
The @debug
macro triggers a number of steps:
- The code passed to
is analyzed, and turned into a decorated AST built from nodes of typeDebug.AST.Node
. The format is almost identical to Julia's native AST format, but nodes also keep track of parent, static scope, and location in the source code. - The code is then instrumented to insert trap calls at each stepping point,
entry/exit to scope blocks, etc.
object that contains getter and setter functions for each visible local symbol is also created upon entry to each block that lies within a new environment. - The code passed to
is analyzed in the same way as to@debug
. The code is then grafted into the supplied scope by replacing each read/write to a variable with a call to the corresponding getter/setter function, if it is visible at that point in the grafted code.
I have tried to encode the scoping rules of Julia as accurately as possible, but I'm bound to have missed something. Also,
- The scoping rules for
blocks etc. in global scope are not quite accurate. - Code within macro expansions may become tagged with the wrong source file.
Known issues can also be found at the issues page. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome.