
Classical logic truth table magma algebra
Author chakravala
4 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
November 2023


Classical logic truth table magma algebra

Truth table expressed as an algebraic magma with operations ¬, , , , , or alternatively !, &, |, -->, <--, <-->. Based on classical logic with TruthValues{N} and TruthTable{N,M}, the @truthtable macro assigns named variable propositional projections as generators of the truth. When using DeMorgan together with PrettyTables, the output is automatically formatted.

julia> using DeMorgan, PrettyTables

julia> @truthtable p q

julia> (p-->q)<-->(¬q-->¬p)
│ p │ q │       pq │ ¬(q) │ ¬(p) │                 ⊤ │
│   │   │ ¬(q)¬(p) │      │      │ (pq)(¬(q)¬(p)) │
│ 111001 │
│ 100101 │
│ 011011 │
│ 001111 │

julia> @truthtable p q r

julia> ((p-->q)(q-->r))-->(p-->r)
│ p │ q │ r │ pq │ qr │ (pq)(qr) │ pr │                   ⊤ │
│   │   │   │     │     │             │     │ ((pq)(qr))(pr) │
│ 11111111 │
│ 11010001 │
│ 10101011 │
│ 10001001 │
│ 01111111 │
│ 01010011 │
│ 00111111 │
│ 00011111 │

With finitely generated truth basis, equivalence classes of truth expressions are formed and kept track of, including contradiction and tautology class expressions.

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