A light wrapper around the DFO-LS (Derivative-Free Optimizer for Least-Squares Minimization) Python package written by the Numerical Algorithms Group at Oxford University. See here for the paper and the github repository.
- Installation
- Usage
- Constraints and Stochastic Objectives
- Advanced Usage
Note: This package is GPL3 licensed, to comply with the underlying Python.
Simply run
] add DFOLS
Note: The build script assumes that $(PyCall.pyprogramname) pip
is a valid command. This is automatically true on Windows and macOS, but needs to be verified on Linux (i.e., make sure it isn't pip3
, or python-pip3
, or something). You can do this by aliasing pip=pip3
or setting up a symbolic link pip -> pip3
We define a type DFOLSResults
to store the solver output.
struct DFOLSResults{TI, TF}
x::Array{TF, 1}
resid::Array{TF, 1}
jacobian::Union{Nothing, Matrix{TF}} # jacobian is nothing if convergence is immediate
nx::TI # differs from nf if sample averaging is used
nruns::TI # > 1 if multiple restarts
And we define a set of convenience functions to interact with it
converged, optimizer, optimum, residuals, jacobian, nf, nruns, nx, flag, msg
You can run the solver by calling the solve
function, as below
rosenbrock = x -> [10. * (x[2]-x[1]^2), 1. - x[1]]
sol = solve(rosenbrock, [-1.2, 1.])
Options for solve
function solve(objfun, x0::Array{TF, 1};
bounds = nothing,
npt = nothing,
rhobeg = nothing,
rhoend = 1e-8,
maxfun = nothing,
nsamples = nothing,
user_params = nothing, # see https://numericalalgorithmsgroup.github.io/dfols/build/html/advanced.html
objfun_has_noise = false,
scaling_within_bounds = false) where {TF <: AbstractFloat}
You can impose constraints on the solution space
solve(rosenbrock, x0, bounds = ([-5., -5.], [5., 5.])) # two-sided box
solve(rosenbrock, x0, bounds = ([-5., -5.], nothing)) # one-sided constraint
And note that the objective is stochastic
σ = 0.01
μ = 1.
rosenbrock_noisy = x -> rosenbrock(x) .* (μ .+ σ*randn(2))
solve(rosenbrock_noisy, x0, objfun_has_noise=true)
Note: The solver will determine the stochasticity of the objective only by examining the objfun_has_noise
flag, and not by looking at the actual function supplied.
The user_params
should be a Julia dict (see here for valid key, value pairs). For example:
solve(rosenbrock, x0, user_params = Dict("init.random_initial_directions" => false,
"model.abs_tol" => 1e-20,
"noise.quit_on_noise_level" => false))