
Always keep a diary under your pillow.
Author dalum
18 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
August 2020

Diary.jl ๐Ÿ“”

Build Status codecov

Diary.jl keeps a copy of what you type in the REPL in a file called diary.jl. The file location defaults to the root of your current active project (the same location where your Project.toml and Manifest.toml files lie). Please read the documentation (links above) for instructions on how to configure Diary.jl to your needs.

If you encounter any problems or have suggestions for how to improve the package, please open an issue or pull request. All contributions from all people are welcome!


To use Diary.jl, it must be enabled at startup. To do so, put the following in your ~/.julia/config/startup.jl file:

atreplinit() do repl
        @eval using Diary
    catch e
        @error "Loading Diary.jl:" exception=(e, catch_backtrace())

Known issues

  • Diary.jl only works if loaded at startup. Calling using Diary in a running REPL does not work (#3).
  • If used together with OhMyREPL, Diary.jl must be loaded after OhMyREPL.