This package aims to simplify the construction of diffusion denoising models by providing a standardized approach, based on endpoint-conditioned diffusion "bridge" sampling. We provide a number of processes to handle continuous Euclidean variables, discrete variables, angles, and rotations, and a simplified framework and interface to construct new diffusions over custom spaces.
The approach requires the user to build a model (typically a neural network) that takes as input a noised observation
For the standard continuous Euclidean case, the least-squares loss allows a trained model to recover the expectation
The discrete case, where an observation is a collection of discrete variables, is slightly different. Instead of providing a point estimate of some expectation, the cross-entropy loss must be used, and a sample from the resulting categorical distribution taken for each variable. Even though these samples are taken independently, the reverse diffusion can recover the joint distribution with a sufficiently capable model.
Importantly, multiple different kinds of diffusion can be combined, and jointly diffused and reconstructed together.
The inverse diffusion works by using the trained model to predict
Even though each variable is diffused independently, for extremely strongly correlated variables the joint distribution can be recovered:
The motivation for this framing, where the model predicts
#Simplest example here - coming soon.
Self-conditioning is a technique to enhance the quality of generated
samples1. Self-conditioning takes the previously estimated x_0
with the diffused sample x_t
to update the current estimate. In
Diffusions.jl, this can be achieved using a closure that retains the latest
estimate of x_0
during backward sampling. The following code demonstrates how
to generate 28-by-28 grayscale images (with a batch of 64 samples) using
function selfcondition(x)
# Initialize x_0
x_0 = zero(x)
function (x_t, t)
# Update the estimate and return it
x_0 = model(x_t, x_0, t)
return x_0
x = randn(Float32, (28, 28, 64))
x_0 = samplebackward(selfcondition(x), diffusion, timesteps, x)
Note that the model must be trained to accept the previous estimate as
additional data, which is usually represented as model(x_t, zero(x_t), t)
with a 50% probability for each. The training code will look like:
# Get estimated data for self-conditioned training
function estimate(model, x_t, t)
x_0 = model(x_t, zero(x_t), t)
x_0[:,:,rand(size(x_0, 3)) .< 0.5] .= 0 # nullify estimates with a 50% probability
return x_0
# Inside a training loop (x is a batch of training data):
t = sampletime()
x_t = sampleforward(diffusion, t, x)
x_0 = estimate(model, x_t, t)
lossval, grads = Flux.withgradient(model) do model
x̂ = model(x, x_0, t)
return loss(x̂, x)
For further details, please consult the original paper1.
To do.
Coming soon.