
Author syoshida1983
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Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
November 2023


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This package provides the functions for extracting object wavefront from interferograms based on the phase-shifting method. Two [1], three [2,3], four [2,3], parallel [4,5], and generalized [2,3] phase-shifting methods are implemented. For detailed principles, please refer to the following references.

  1. X. F. Meng, L. Z. Cai, X. F. Xu, X. L. Yang, X. X. Shen, G. Y. Dong, and Y. R. Wang, "Two-step phase-shifting interferometry and its application in image encryption," Opt. Lett. 31, 1414-1416 (2006)
  2. Katherine Creath, "V Phase-Measurement Interferometry Techniques," Progress in Optics 26, 349-393 (1988)
  3. Horst Schreiber, and John H. Bruning, "Phase Shifting Interferometry," in Daniel Malacara (ed.), Optical Shop Testing, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 547-666 (2006)
  4. Y. Awatsuji, M. Sasada, and T. Kubota, "Parallel quasi-phase-shifting digital holography," Appl. Phys. Lett., 85, 1069-1071 (2004).
  5. Yasuhiro Awatsuji, "Parallel Phase-Shifting Digital Holography," in Bahram Javidi, Enrique Tajahuerce, Pedro Andrés (eds.), Multi-Dimensional Imaging, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 1-23


To install this package, open the Julia REPL and run

julia> ]add DigitalHolography


julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("DigitalHolography")


Import the package first.

julia> using DigitalHolography

Please refer to the following document for usage instructions.

Stable Dev