
A JuMP extension for Generalized Disjunctive Programming
Author hdavid16
12 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
July 2020


Generalized Disjunctive Programming extension to JuMP


using Pkg


After defining a JuMP model, disjunctions can be added to the model by using the @disjunction macro. This macro is called by @disjunction(m, disjuncts...; kwargs...), where disjuncts...` is a list of at least two expressions of the form:

  1. A valid expression accepted by JuMP.@constraint. Names for the constraints or containers of constraints cannot be passed (use option 2).
  2. A valid expression accepted by JuMP.@constraints (using `begin...end)
  3. A valid expression accepted by JuMP.@NLconstraint. Containers of constraints cannot be passed (use option 4). Naming of non-linear constraints is not currently supported.
  4. A valid expression accepted by JuMP.@NLconstraints (using `begin...end)
  5. Tuple of expressions accepted by options 1 and/or 3.


  • Vectorized constraints (using . notation) are not currently supported. The current workarround is to first create the constraint with the @constraint macro and then use the add_disjunction!, instead of the @disjunction macro. The add_disjunction! function receives the same arguments as the @disjunction macro, with the exception that instead of creating the constraints in the disjunctions, references to previously created constraints are used for the disjuncts.
  • Any constraints that are of EqualTo type are split into two constraints (e.g., f(x) == 0 -> 0 <= f(x) <= 0). This is necessary only for the Big-M reformulation of equality constraints, but is currently applied regardless of the reformulation technique.
  • Any constraints that are of Interval type are split into two constraints (one for each bound).
  • It is assumed that the disjuncts belonging to a disjunction are proper disjunctions (mutually exclussive) and only one of them will be selected (XOR).

The valid key-word arguments for the @disjunction macro are:

  • reformulation::Symbol: :big_m for Big-M Reformulation, :hull for Hull Reformulation
  • M: Big-M value used when reformulation = :big_m.
  • ϵ: epsilon tolerance for the perspective function proposed by Furman, et al. [2020]. Only used when reformulation = :hull.
  • name::Symbol: Name for the disjunction (also name for indicator variable used on that disjunction). If not passed (name = missing), a symbolic name will be generated with the prefix disj. The mutual exclussion constraint on the binary indicator variables can be accessed with model[Symbol("XOR(disj_$name)")].

When a disjunction is defined using the @disjunction macro, the disjunctions are reformulated to algebraic constraints via either Big-M or Hull reformulations. For the Hull reformulation, disaggregated variables are generated by adding the suffix _$name$i to the original variables, where i is the index of the disjunct in that disjunction. Bounding constraints are applied to the disaggregated variables and can be accessed with model[Symbol("$<original var>_$name$i_lb")] and model[Symbol("$<original var>_$name$i_ub")] for the lower bound and upper bound constraints, respectively. The aggregation constraint can be accessed with model[Symbol("$<original var>_aggregation")]. For Big-M reformulations, the user may provide an M object that represents the BigM value(s). The M object can be a Number that is applied to all constraints in the disjuncts, or a Vector/Tuple of values that are used for each of the disjuncts. For Hull reformulations, the user may provide an ϵ value for the perspective function (default is ϵ = 1e-6). The ϵ object can be a Number that is applied to all perspective functions, or a Vector/Tuple of values that are used for each of the disjuncts.

For empty disjuncts, use nothing for their positional argument (e.g., @disjunction(m, x <= 1, nothing, reformulation = :big_m)).

NOTE: :object_dict is used in the extension dictionary to store the object dictionary of models using DisjunctiveProgramming.jl.

Logical Propositions

Boolean logic can be included in the model by using the @proposition macro. This macro will take an expression that uses only binary variables from the model (typically a subset of the indicator variables used in the disjunctions) and one or more of the following Boolean operators:

  • (or, typed with \vee + tab)
  • (and, typed with \wedge + tab)
  • ¬ (negation, typed with \neg + tab)
  • (implication, typed with \Rightarrow + tab)
  • (double implication or equivalence, typed with \Leftrightarrow + tab) The logical proposition is then internally reformulated to an algebraic constraint that is added to the model. This constrait can be accessed with model[Symbol("<logical proposition expression>")].


The example below is from the Northwestern University Process Optimization Open Textbook.

To perform the Big-M reformulation, :big_m is passed to the reformulation keyword argument. If nothing is passed to the keyword argument M, tight Big-M values will be inferred from the variable bounds using IntervalArithmetic.jl. If x is not bounded, Big-M values must be provided for either the whole system (e.g., M = 10) or for each of the constraint arrays in the example (e.g., M = (10,10)).

To perform the Hull reformulation, reformulation = :hull. Variables must have bounds for the reformulation to work.

using JuMP
using DisjunctiveProgramming

m = Model()
@variable(m, -5  x  10)
    0  x  3,
    5  x  9,
@proposition(m, y[1] ∨ y[2]) #this is a redundant proposition


┌ Warning: disj_y[1] : x in [0.0, 3.0] uses the `MOI.Interval` set. Each instance of the interval set has been split into two constraints, one for each bound.
┌ Warning: disj_y[2] : x in [5.0, 9.0] uses the `MOI.Interval` set. Each instance of the interval set has been split into two constraints, one for each bound.
Subject to
 XOR(disj_y) : y[1] + y[2] == 1.0         <- XOR constraint
 y[1] ∨ y[2] : y[1] + y[2] >= 1.0         <- reformulated logical proposition (name is the proposition)
 disj_y[1][lb] : -x + 5 y[1] <= 5.0       <- left-side of constraint in 1st disjunct (name is assigned to disj_y[1][lb])
 disj_y[1][ub] : x + 7 y[1] <= 10.0       <- right-side of constraint in 1st disjunct (name is assigned to disj_y[1][ub])
 disj_y[2][lb] : -x + 10 y[2] <= 5.0      <- left-side of constraint in 2nd disjunct (name is assigned to disj_y[2][lb])
 disj_y[2][ub] : x + y[2] <= 10.0         <- right-side of constraint in 2nd disjunct (name is assigned to disj_y[2][ub])
 x >= -5.0                                <- variable lower bound
 x <= 10.0                                <- variable upper bound
 y[1] binary                              <- indicator variable (1st disjunct) is binary
 y[2] binary                              <- indicator variable (2nd disjunct) is binary

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