
Read and write documentation inventory files such as the objects.inv file generated by Documenter and Sphinx
Author JuliaDocs
2 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
December 2023


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DocInventories.jl is a package for reading and writing inventory files such as the objects.inv file written by Documenter.jlv1.3.0 and Sphinx.

These inventory files are used by DocumenterInterLinks.jl and Intersphinx to enable linking between the documentation of two projects.

The DocInventories package also allows to convert the objects.inv format to an inventory.toml format that is designed to be human-readable and to allow maintaining custom inventories by hand.


As usual, the package can be installed via

] add DocInventories

in the Julia REPL, or by adding

DocInventories = "43dc2714-ed3b-44b5-b226-857eda1aa7de"

to the relevant Project.toml file.


This package is primarily used in the context of DocumenterInterLinks.jl. For direct usage, see the Usage section in the documentation.

Related Projects

  • Documenter.jl — The default documentation generator in the Julia ecosystem. As of version 1.3.0, Documenter automatically generates and deploys a (Sphinx-format) objects.inv file that enables linking into a project's documentation.
  • DocumenterInterLinks.jl – A plugin for Documenter to enable linking to any other project that has an inventory file, i.e., any project using a recent version of Documenter to build its documentation, or any project using Sphinx. It is the Julia-equivalent of Sphinx' Intersphinx plugin.
  • Sphinx – The default documentation generator in the Python ecosystem. Sphinx originated the objects.inv inventory file format now also generated for Julia projects by Documenter.
  • sphobjinv – The Python-equivalent of this project, allowing to read, explore and manipulate the data in objects.inv inventory file. Note that this does not include support for the inventory.toml format, which is unique to DocInventories.

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