
Author m0Cey
0 Stars
Updated Last
11 Months Ago
Started In
September 2023


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(This section is WIP)

DopplerSpectroscopyCore.jl provides core toolset for simulating Doppler and sub-Doppler spectroscopy experiments. The main goal is to have ready-to-use, simple-to-understand modeling toolkit with experimenters in mind. Furthermore, it can be used as introduction to spectroscopy for people with little physics background or students.


To install DopplerSpectroscopyCore.jl, use the Julia package manager:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("DopplerSpectroscopyCore")


(This section is WIP)

Import module:

julia> using RabiRamseySpectroscopy

At first we need to create our experement setup:

  1. Light source - research instrument. Red laser (wavelenght = 750 nm or approx. 8e-7 m) will fit. We consider that there is no refracted light to enter the research object in a backward direction by setting the last parameter to 0
julia> laser = LightSource(8e-7, 1, 0)
  1. Gas cell or a single atom - research object. Lets say it's a 87Rb atom (mass = 1.4e-25kg) at room temperature (T = 300 K). Atom's spontaneous relaxation parameter is approx. 2π*5e+6 Hz and optical relaxation parameter considered to be half of spontaneous in units of it's value (0.5). Other parameters depends on a light source so we just use our laser as an argument
julia> atom = Quantum2Level(1.4e-25, 300, 2π*5e+6, 0.5, light)

Because probing time is long enough, probe pulse will be playing two roles at the same time:

  1. pump our atom with some probability to excited state

  2. probe our system to check if atom was actually pumped.

(Make a pull request or issue on package's GitHub page if you want more physics details in the intro)

Thus said, second step is to probe an atom with the laser:

julia> probe(0, atom, laser)

The output indicates the probability of our atom to be in excited state at zero-detuning (laser frequency is resonant with transition frequency of an atom).

Congrats, you performed your first spectroscopy experiment in Julia!

As a third step we'll see a relation between mentioned probability and detuning of a laser light. For that we need to make a series of probes, varying laser detuning. It can be done by simply applying probe on a range of detuning values:

julia> detun_range = LinRange(-300, 300, 100)
julia> probes = probe(detun_range, atom, laser)

Then you can plot this relation yourself with any provided plotting tool: Plots, PlotlyJS, Makie etc. (maybe will add example pic later)


(This section is WIP)

If you want to help develop this package, you can do it via GitHub default instruments (pull requests, issues etc.) and/or contact me:

In additon, it is highly recommended to read or modify code of DopplerSpectroscopyCore.jl with JuliaMono font installed. That way UTF-8 symbols will be displayed correctly.

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