
A dumb code completer
Author christopher-dG
1 Star
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
April 2019


Build Status

A dumb code completer.

Usage (Julia)

The main entrypoint to this package for Julia code is completions.

julia> using DumbCompleter: completions

julia> leaves = completions("P")
7-element Array{DumbCompleter.Leaf,1}:
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:PROGRAM_FILE, String, Base)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:Pair, UnionAll, Base)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:PartialQuickSort, UnionAll, Base)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:PermutedDimsArray, UnionAll, Base)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:Pipe, DataType, Base)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:PipeBuffer, typeof(PipeBuffer), Base)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:Ptr, UnionAll, Core)

julia> leaf = first(leaves);

julia> leaf.name

julia> leaf.type

julia> leaf.mod

julia> completions("P", Core)  # "Core" or :Core work, too.
4-element Array{DumbCompleter.Leaf,1}:
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:PhiCNode, DataType, Core)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:PhiNode, DataType, Core)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:PiNode, DataType, Core)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:Ptr, UnionAll, Core)

To load some new modules, use activate!.

julia> using DumbCompleter: activate!, completions

julia> activate!(@__DIR__)

julia> DumbCompleter.completions("js")
1-element Array{DumbCompleter.Leaf,1}:
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:json, typeof(JSON.Writer.json), JSON)

julia> DumbCompleter.completions("a", :Pkg)
2-element Array{DumbCompleter.Leaf,1}:
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:activate, typeof(Pkg.API.activate), Pkg)
 DumbCompleter.Leaf(:add, typeof(Pkg.API.add), Pkg)

Usage (Emacs)

First, make sure you have Company set up. Then, put emacs/julia-dumbcompleter.el somewhere on your load path. Lastly, add (require 'julia-dumbcompleter) somewhere in your init.el.

To load modules from the package you're developing, use jldc/activate and enter your package's root directory.


Supporting a new text editor is not too hard, and just involves maintaining a server process and its IO. To start a server, run the following:

using DumbCompleter

Then, send requests to the server process's standard input as JSON. Currently, the available commands are:

  • {"type": "completions", "module": "Module.Name.Or.Null", "text": "prefix_to_complete"}
  • {"type": "activate", "path": "package/root/directory"}

The JSON response, written to standard output, contains an error field which is null or a string describing an error. For completions requests, the response contains a completions field that looks like this:

    "name":   "variable name",
    "type":   "value's type",
    "module": "module owning the type"

For activate requests, the response contains no other fields.

Used By Packages

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