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October 2022

Ridiculously fast dynamic expressions.

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DynamicExpressions.jl is the backbone of SymbolicRegression.jl and PySR.


A dynamic expression is a snippet of code that can change throughout runtime - compilation is not possible! DynamicExpressions.jl does the following:

  1. Defines an enum over user-specified operators.
  2. Using this enum, it defines a very lightweight and type-stable data structure for arbitrary expressions.
  3. It then generates specialized evaluation kernels for the space of potential operators.
  4. It also generates kernels for the first-order derivatives, using Zygote.jl.
  5. DynamicExpressions.jl can also operate on arbitrary other types (vectors, tensors, symbols, strings, or even unions) - see last part below.

It also has import and export functionality with SymbolicUtils.jl, so you can move your runtime expression into a CAS!


using DynamicExpressions

operators = OperatorEnum(; binary_operators=[+, -, *], unary_operators=[cos])

x1 = Node{Float64}(feature=1)
x2 = Node{Float64}(feature=2)

expression = x1 * cos(x2 - 3.2)

X = randn(Float64, 2, 100);
expression(X, operators) # 100-element Vector{Float64}

(We can construct this expression with normal operators, since calling OperatorEnum() will @eval new functions on Node that use the specified enum.)


First, what happens if we naively use Julia symbols to define and then evaluate this expression?

@btime eval(:(X[1, :] .* cos.(X[2, :] .- 3.2)))
# 117,000 ns

This is quite slow, meaning it will be hard to quickly search over the space of expressions. Let's see how DynamicExpressions.jl compares:

@btime expression(X, operators)
# 693 ns

Much faster! And we didn't even need to compile it. (Internally, this is calling eval_tree_array(expression, X, operators)).

If we change expression dynamically with a random number generator, it will have the same performance:

@btime begin
    expression.op = rand(1:3)  # random operator in [+, -, *]
    expression(X, operators)
# 842 ns

Now, let's see the performance if we had hard-coded these expressions:

f(X) = X[1, :] .* cos.(X[2, :] .- 3.2)
@btime f(X)
# 708 ns

So, our dynamic expression evaluation is about the same (or even a bit faster) as evaluating a basic hard-coded expression! Let's see if we can optimize the speed of the hard-coded version:

f_optimized(X) = begin
    y = Vector{Float64}(undef, 100)
    @inbounds @simd for i=1:100
        y[i] = X[1, i] * cos(X[2, i] - 3.2)
@btime f_optimized(X)
# 526 ns

The DynamicExpressions.jl version is only 25% slower than one which has been optimized by hand into a single SIMD kernel! Not bad at all.

More importantly: we can change expression throughout runtime, and expect the same performance. This makes this data structure ideal for symbolic regression and other evaluation-based searches over expression trees.


We can also compute gradients with the same speed:

using Zygote  # trigger extension

operators = OperatorEnum(;
    binary_operators=[+, -, *],
x1 = Node(; feature=1)
x2 = Node(; feature=2)
expression = x1 * cos(x2 - 3.2)

We can take the gradient with respect to inputs with simply the ' character:

grad = expression'(X, operators)

This is quite fast:

@btime expression'(X, operators)
# 2894 ns

and again, we can change this expression at runtime, without loss in performance!

@btime begin
    expression.op = rand(1:3)
    expression'(X, operators)
# 3198 ns

Internally, this is calling the eval_grad_tree_array function, which performs forward-mode automatic differentiation on the expression tree with Zygote-compiled kernels. We can also compute the derivative with respect to constants:

result, grad, did_finish = eval_grad_tree_array(expression, X, operators; variable=false)

or with respect to variables, and only in a single direction:

feature = 2
result, grad, did_finish = eval_diff_tree_array(expression, X, operators, feature)

Generic types

Does this work for only scalar operators on real numbers, or will it work for MyCrazyType?

I'm so glad you asked. DynamicExpressions.jl actually will work for arbitrary types! However, to work on operators other than real scalars, you need to use the GenericOperatorEnum <: AbstractOperatorEnum instead of the normal OperatorEnum. Let's try it with strings!

x1 = Node(String; feature=1) 

This node, will be used to index input data (whatever it may be) with either data[feature] (1D abstract arrays) or selectdim(data, 1, feature) (ND abstract arrays). Let's now define some operators to use:

my_string_func(x::String) = "ello $x"

operators = GenericOperatorEnum(;

Now, let's extend our operators to work with the expression types used by DynamicExpressions.jl:

@extend_operators operators

Now, let's create an expression:

tree = "H" * my_string_func(x1)
# ^ `(H * my_string_func(x1))`

tree(["World!", "Me?"], operators)
# Hello World!

So indeed it works for arbitrary types. It is a bit slower due to the potential for type instability, but it's not too bad:

@btime tree(["Hello", "Me?"], operators)
# 1738 ns


Does this work for tensors, or even unions of scalars and tensors?

Also yes! Let's see:

using DynamicExpressions

T = Union{Float64,Vector{Float64}}

c1 = Node(T; val=0.0)  # Scalar constant
c2 = Node(T; val=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0])  # Vector constant
x1 = Node(T; feature=1)

# Some operators on tensors (multiple dispatch can be used for different behavior!)
vec_add(x, y) = x .+ y
vec_square(x) = x .* x

# Set up an operator enum:
operators = GenericOperatorEnum(;binary_operators=[vec_add], unary_operators=[vec_square])
@extend_operators operators

# Construct the expression:
tree = vec_add(vec_add(vec_square(x1), c2), c1)

X = [[-1.0, 5.2, 0.1], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]

# Evaluate!
tree(X, operators)  # [2.0, 29.04, 3.01]

Note that if an operator is not defined for the particular input, nothing will be returned instead.

This is all still pretty fast, too:

@btime tree(X, operators)
# 2,949 ns
@btime eval(:(vec_add(vec_add(vec_square(X[1]), [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), 0.0)))
# 115,000 ns