A Julia package to simplify package development. EasyPkg aims to reduce the boilerplate code typically found in a Julia project's "src/.jl" and "test/runtests.jl".
EasyPkg can include all Julia source files in your package automatically, or assist with manual source file handing.
Use include_all_sources()
to reduce the average Julia project's
"src/.jl" to
module <PrjName>
import EasyPkg
function __init__()
end # module
For this to work, the structure of the sources files must not depend on
a specific inclusion order - so the source files should not contain any
initialization steps that depend on another source file. For precompiled
packages, this shouldn't be an issue, as all initialization steps will
reside in __init()__
If you need control over the order in which source files are included, you
can use EasyPkg.include_sources(name...)
to shorten your source inclusion
code a little and handle subdirectories in a modular fashion.
Given a package structure like
- src
- foo/foo.jl
- foo/xyz.jl
- bar.jl
to include "foo/foo.jl" and "bar.jl". Obviously, "foo/foo.jl" will be
responsible for including "foo/xyz.jl" and other files in the "foo"
subdirectory (e.g using EasyPkg.include_sources
Note: The source file structure of EasyPkg itself is not necessarily a good template - it is a bit complicated and deeply nested on purpose, so that EasyPkg can tests it's own functionality.
Use EasyPkg.run_all_tests()
to reduce "test/runtests.jl" for a typical
Julia project to
import EasyPkg
It will automatically find and include all your test source files (may reside in nested directories). They should look like this:
import EasyPkg
@testset "Some tests" begin
@test ...
@test ...
@testset "Some more tests" ...