A ElasticSearch client for Julia
This package is registered in the General
registry,so you can install it by package name or GitHub address.
julia> ]
pkg> add ElasticSearch # add https://github.com/lotcher/ElasticSearch.jl.git
Before using all methods, you need to create an ES instance, like this
using ElasticSearch
es = ES() # ES("http://:@localhost:9200")
# You can use this method: ES(; host, port, user, password, protocol) to construct the client you need
# Or directly pass in the complete URL like ES("https://elastic:elastic@localhost:9300")
You can use the search method to pass in JSON, Dict or built-in Query objects
search(es, 'index', "{}") # be equal to GET /index/_search body="{}"
# You can also pass in other methods
# search(es, 'index', Dict())
# search(es, 'index', Query([]))
However, when you use complex query statements, it is recommended to use Query, as shown below
search(es=es, index="news") do
RangeBody("correlation", Dict("gte"=>0.5)),
RangeBody("emotion", Dict("gte"=>0.5)),
MultiMatchBody(["contents","title"], "test")
] |> MustQueryBlock,
] |> Query
It is equivalent to constructing the following query statements.
GET news/_Search
"size": 10,
"from": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"correlation": {
"gte": 0.5
"range": {
"emotion": {
"gte": 0.5
"multi_match": {
"fields": [
"query": "test"
"highlight": {
"fields": {
"contents": {},
"title": {}
"_source": [
Similarly, you can also construct any ES DSL statements with built-in objects