A client library for the Endatabas database
- Endatabas is one of the most fascinating databases I've encountered recently.
- It's schemaless
- ...but it can be queried with SQL.
- You can just start inserting data and tables will autovivify.
- The rows you insert can contain nested data.
- Rows are structured documents.
- Its dialect of SQL can have a JSON-ish accent at times which feels natural if you're accustomed to JSON.
- It maintains an "immutable" history of the database, and you can query the database about past states.
- It was written by the developer of XTDB which is another database that cares about time and history.
- It's implemented in a combination of Rust and Common Lisp.
- They have a docker container that makes it really easy to get started with it.
julia> ]
(@v1.10) pkg> add Endatabas
# This exports ENDB and query()
using Endatabas
# Construct ENDB handle
endb = ENDB()
# Query
query(endb, "INSERT INTO issues {id: 1, title: ?}", ["Weird query crashes server"])
query(endb, "SELECT * FROM issues")
query(endb, "SELECT id, title FROM issues")
query(endb, "SELECT {id, title} FROM issues")