
(De-)serialize Julia data in Erlang's external term format
Author helgee
7 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
February 2019


(De-)serialize Julia data in Erlang's external term format

Build Status Coverage

ErlangTerm.jl teaches Julia to talk to BEAM-based languages (Erlang, Elixir, ...) in their native tongue, the Erlang external term format. The following data types are supported:

  • Int <-> Integer
  • Float64 <-> Float
  • Symbol <-> Atom
  • Tuple <-> Tuple
  • Array <-> List
  • Dict <-> Map


The package can be installed through Julia's package manager:

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("ErlangTerm")


using ErlangTerm

# Take a Julia data structure...
d = Dict(:erlang => Dict(:id => 1, :greeting => "Hello, Erlang!"),
         :elixir => Dict(:id => 2, :greeting => "Hello, Elixir!"))

# ...serialize it...
binary = serialize(d)

# ...and deserialize it!
d1 = deserialize(binary)