
Julia bindings for extrae Basic API
Author bsc-quantic
6 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
May 2021


Julia bindings to BSC's extrae HPC profiler.

It supports automatic instrumentation (through LD_PRELOAD mechanism, DynInst is on the way) of MPI, CUDA and pthreads, and PAPI/PMAPI hardware counters and callstack sampling. Generated traces can be viewed with Paraver.


First, you need to set the Extrae configuration using environment variables or XML configuration. An example configuration file can be found in scripts/extrae.xml.

Event emision

Extrae's functionality is very basic: every registered event is just a tuple of 2 integers annotating the event type and the event value. Some events are automatically registered, such as MPI call names when you are tracing or PAPI hardware counters when performing sampling. But you can also emit your own custom events using emit:

# emit event 80000 with value 4
emit(80_000, 4)

Event types are encoded with Int32 and the values must always be a Int64.

If you want to assign a string descriptor to the event, you should call Extrae.register before initialization.

const BANANAS_TYPECODE::Int32 = 80_000
Extrae.register(BANANAS_TYPECODE, "Bananas")

Alternatively, you can also add string descriptors to values.

Extrae.register(Int32(80_001), "Monkey name", Int64[0,1,2], String["no monkey", "louis", "george"])


Extrae can be initialized just by calling Extrae.init(). If you are planning to use Distributed, you should call

@everywhere Extrae.init(Val(:Distributed))

to properly initialize the profiler in all workers. If you plan to use MPI, you should use the LD_PRELOAD mechanism.

The profiling is finished with Extrae.finish().

Mark user functions

Many times, the profiler catches much more information than we want. One way to filter it is by marking which moments in the trace where devoted to user code. This can be done by calling Extrae.user_function(1) to start and Extrae.user_function(0) to end the marking region.

We also provide a Extrae.@user_function for code cleanliness.

Example scripts

In scripts directory you can find the test-distributed-work.jl script that traces a very basic execution of a Distributed program. This script squares a random 1000x1000 matrix two times in a worker, and then fetches the values.

To run it, execute:

scripts/env.sh julia --project=. scripts/test-distributed-work.jl

The env.sh file sets up some environment variables required by the extrae library at load time.

Then, to obtain the Paraver trace, we use the script julia2prv which is a wrapper to the mpi2prv tool by extrae. You can create your trace by doing:

scripts/julia2prv test-distributed.prv JULIATRACE*

and you will obtain a Paraver trace named test-distributed.prv.

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