FastCGI is a binary protocol for interfacing interactive programs with a web server. It is a variation on the earlier Common Gateway Interface (CGI). FastCGI's main aim is to reduce the overhead related to interfacing between web server and CGI programs, allowing a server to handle more web page requests per unit of time.
FastCGI Specification:
FastCGI.jl is a package that implements a Julia FastCGI client and server. Additionally, it allows Julia functions to be used to respond directly to requests, which can be significantly faster and more efficient.
julia> using FastCGI
julia> server = FCGIServer("/var/run/fcgi/fcgi.socket")
FCGIServer(/var/run/fcgi/fcgi.socket, open)
julia> process(server)
┌ Info: processing
└ SCRIPT_NAME = "..."
julia> using FastCGI
julia> client = FCGIClient("/var/run/fcgi/fcgi.socket")
FCGIClient(/var/run/fcgi/fcgi.socket, open)
julia> headers = Dict("SCRIPT_FILENAME"=>"/fcgihome/");
julia> request = FCGIRequest(; headers=headers)
FCGIRequest(complete=false, keepconn=false)
julia> process(client, request);
julia> wait(request.isdone)
julia> response = String(take!(request.out));
FastCGI.jl server allows you to hook up a Julia function as a responder, instead of having to spawn an external process. This is much more efficient and fast. This can be an easy way to hook up a Julia backend to existing web servers like Nginx, Apache or others.
To enable this mode, switch the runner to FastCGI.FunctionRunner
Define the method that would respond to requests:
function fastcgi_responder(params, in, out, err)
# params: a Dict{String,String} with all fastcgi request parameters
# in: input stream to be read from
# out: output stream to write response to
# err: error stream to write errors to
# return the exit code that needs to be sent as the response
return 0
Send requests as usual, ensuring that the SCRIPT_FILENAME
parameter in requests contains the fully qualified function name to invoke.
There is no timeout imposed on the scripts by default. But a fixed timeout can be imposed on the scripts by configuring the Runner
# set up a FunctionRunner with 10 second timeout
# set up a ProcessRunner with 5 second timeout
The server will terminate requests running longer than the timeout configured. A response code of 408 (Request Timeout) will be returned.