Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method for room acoustic simulation
From the Julia command line hit:
Once the package is installed you can update it along with the others issuing Pkg.update()
in the command line.
Import the package by typing using AcFDTD
First you need to specify an acoustic environment
and FDTD scheme:
using AcFDTD
X = 0.1 # spatial sampling
env = FDTDEnv(X,IISO()) # create new acoustic env with default values
where IISO()
returns the Interpolated Isotropic scheme.
Alternatively one can choose a samplng frequency
instead of a spatial sampling:
Fs = 2000. # sampling frequency in Hz
env = FDTDEnv(IISO(),Fs; c = 340) # create new acoustic env with default values
notice that in the latter line the speed of sound was
chosen to be 340
By default this is set to 343
Set the acoustic impedance ξ
and room geometry room geometry:
ξ = [50.;50.;100.;30.;50.;50.]; # [ ξx1 ; ξx2 ; ξy1 ; ξy2 ; ξz1 ; ξz2 ]
# [front wall; rear wall; left wall; right wall; floor; ceiling]
geo = CuboidRoom(10, 11, 12, ξ, env)
The first three parameters
indicate the number of spatial samples
of the x
, y
and z
Alternatively one can specify
the room dimensions in meters:
geo = CuboidRoom(4., 5., 3., ξ, env)
which are then approximated on the grid.
Set the number of time steps Nt
Create a band-limited sound source
with e.g. the DSP
using DSP
Nt = round(Int,env.Fs) # number of time steps (1 sec)
s = zeros(Nt) # source signal
s[3] = 1
f2 = geo.env.Fs/2*0.175 # cut-off frequency of source
filt!(s,digitalfilter(Bandpass(10,f2;fs = geo.env.Fs),Butterworth(5)),s)
Define the position of microphone and sound sources:
xr = [(2, 2, 2), (2, geo.Ny-1, geo.Nz-1)] # mic positions
xs = (geo.Nx-1, geo.Ny-1, geo.Nz-1) # sound source position
#positions must be Tuple{Int,Int,Int} or Array{Tuple{Int,Int,Int},1}
Now type:
p = fdtd(xr,xs,Nt,geo,s)
to obtain the sound pressure of the microphones.
For more details on the methods type:
AcFDTD.jl is developed by Niccolò Antonello at KU Leuven, ESAT/Stadius.