
Distributed assembly layer for Ferrite.jl.
Author Ferrite-FEM
9 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
June 2023


Build Status

This package contains the distributed assembly infrastructure for Ferrite.jl.


This package is still experimental. Breaking changes on the design can be expected. Feedback is appreciated.


The current implementation is tested with Ferrite#7e8a571. This package is not compatible with the latest Ferrite release (0.3.14).



You can install FerriteDistributed from the Pkg REPL:

pkg> add Ferrite#7e8a571, FerriteDistributed


You need a properly configured MPI.jl installation for FerriteDistributed to work. You can consult the latest MPI.jl configuration docs for details.


Contributions in all forms (bug reports, documentation, features, suggestions, ...) are very welcome. See CONTRIBUTING for more details.


If you have questions about Ferrite.jl you're welcome to reach out to us on the Julia Slack under #ferrite-fem or on Zulip under #Ferrite.jl. Alternatively you can start a new discussion in the discussion forum on the repository. Feel free to ask us even if you are not sure the problem is with Ferrite.jl.

If you encounter what you think is a bug please report it, see CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.

Community Standards

Please keep in mind that we are part of the Julia community and adhere to the Julia Community Standards.