
Generate Julia code for cli programs using a variant of Fig specifications.
Author tanmaykm
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Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
August 2023


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Generate Julia code that provide functions to run CLI programs.

The specification to generate this code is similar to what Fig uses, but in JSON format. So for popular CLIs, a starting point can be the spec found in the Fig autocomplete repo. Remember to convert from js to json format.

Code generation


Generate a Julia module for a CLI based on a specification file. Refer to Generated Code Structure for more details of the code generated.


  • specfile: path to the specification file
  • outputfile: path to the output file

Keyword arguments:

  • custom_include: a string to include at the top of the generated module
  • ignore_base_command: if true, do not generate the base command. The base command must be made available by the caller, either by including it in custom_include or by defining it in the module before calling generate.

Generated Code Structure

Code is generated into a module named CLI. The module name is fixed, the intent being for it to be wrapped within another module or package.

The primary command line options are generated as methods within the module, with names same as the option name. The optional parameters are keyword arguments. And the methods accept other arguments to be passed to the command.

An example that generates a CLI for grep is included:

A more complex spec is that of Open Policy Agent:


function grep(
    help::Union{Nothing,Bool} = false,
    extended_regexp::Union{Nothing,Bool} = false,
    file::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,

Each method accepts an instance of CommandLine as the first argument that holds the execution context. It has the following members:

  • exec: a no argument function that provides the base command to execute in a julia do block.
  • cmdopts: keyword arguments that should be used to further customize the Cmd creation
  • pipelineopts: keyword arguments that should be used to further customize the pipeline creation

CommandLine is generated by default, and is termed as the "base command". It can be overridden during code generation by passing the optional ignore_base_command and custom_include keyword arguments. See "Code generation".

Using the Generated Code

Create a CommandLine and invoke methods. Example:

julia> include("grep.jl");

julia> ctx = CLI.CommandLine();

julia> CLI.grep(ctx, "CLI", "grep.jl"; ignore_case=true, count=true);

julia> CLI.grep(ctx, "the", "grep.jl"; ignore_case=true, count=true);

Used By Packages

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