
A simple package for a first course in finite element methods.
Author billmclean
10 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
December 2014


This package is no longer maintained. You might be interested in this newer replacement.

A simple package for a first course in finite element methods.

These Julia routines rely on Gmsh for mesh generation and visualization. Please see the Quick Start Guide (under doc/) for examples illustrating the use of FinElt.

Note that FinElt supports only msh file format version 2.2 so you need to use the -format msh22 command-line option for gmsh.


13-01-2020: v0.5.2 Fixes to ensure use of Gmsh 2.2 msh file format.

20-02-2017: v0.0.3 Add support for variable coefficient.

16-07-2016: v0.0.2 Change ASCIIString to String for Julia 0.5.

26-09-2015: v0.0.1

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