
A simple package for a first course in finite element methods.
Author billmclean
10 Stars
Updated Last
11 Months Ago
Started In
December 2014


This package is no longer maintained. You might be interested in this newer replacement.

A simple package for a first course in finite element methods.

These Julia routines rely on Gmsh for mesh generation and visualization. Please see the Quick Start Guide (under doc/) for examples illustrating the use of FinElt.

Note that FinElt supports only msh file format version 2.2 so you need to use the -format msh22 command-line option for gmsh.


13-01-2020: v0.5.2 Fixes to ensure use of Gmsh 2.2 msh file format.

20-02-2017: v0.0.3 Add support for variable coefficient.

16-07-2016: v0.0.2 Change ASCIIString to String for Julia 0.5.

26-09-2015: v0.0.1

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