Fortran binary (unformatted) file input/output for Julia.
Assume we have some fortran code like the following that saves out data to data.bin
integer*8 :: x(100)
real*8 :: y(100)
! ... code that calculates something in x and y ...
open(unit=9, file="data.bin", form="unformatted")
write(9) x
write(9) y
This can be read into julia as follows:
f = open("data.bin")
x = FortranIO.read_record_array(f, Int64)
y = FortranIO.read_record_array(f, Float64)
An array of the appropriate size is returned by FortranIO.read_record_array
If, instead of two separate calls to write
in the fortran code above, a single call had been used:
write(9) x, y
Then, the values can be loaded in julia using
FortranIO.read_record(f, Array(Int64,100), Array(Float64,100))
Values can also be written:
f = open("file.bin", "w")
# Write a record containing one Int64
FortranIO.write_record(f, 10)
# Write a second record containing several values of different types
FortranIO.write_record(f, [1,2,3], int32(4), 5.0)
Handle strings