The current implementation covers all of the C-APIs, and provides an easy to use Julia API layer over it for simple key-value pairs.
The Julia APIs are quite easy to follow, with this example:
using FoundationDB
open(FDBCluster()) do cluster # Read cluster configuration
open(FDBDatabase(cluster)) do db # Open the database
key = UInt8[0,1,2] # This is a key, and ...
val = UInt8[9, 9, 9] # this is a value. Both are byte arrays.
open(FDBTransaction(db)) do tran # Start a transaction
@test clearkey(tran, key) == nothing # Delete a key if present
@test getval(tran, key) == nothing # Get value for a key (nothing if not present)
@test setval(tran, key, val) == nothing # Set value for a key
@test getval(tran, key) == val # We get the value, once it has been set
@test commit(tran) # Commit changes we made in our snapshot
@test_throws FDBError commit(tran) # We can only commit once.
open(FDBTransaction(db)) do tran # Open a new transaction
@test clearkey(tran, key) == nothing # Delete a key
@test getval(tran, key) == nothing
end # Transactions are auto-committed by default!
# And also retried automatically when possible
open(FDBTransaction(db)) do tran # Need a transaction even for read operation
@test getval(tran, key) == nothing
end # Reads don't have to be committed
Note: The Julia implementation makes use of Julia threading APIs. Make sure you have enabled threading and have at least two threads configured for Julia. E.g.:
$> julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.test("FoundationDB")'