
Simple package for g-code parsing in Julia
Author janvorisek
1 Star
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
February 2020


GcodeParser is a simple package for parsing G-code files. It has been tested on 3d printing G-codes produced by some of the common slicers (mostly Slic3r and Cura).


You can install this package using the following Julia command:


The package can then be loaded and used in a Julia script or a Jupyter Notebook by:

using GcodeParser


To parse a single line of g-code use the parseLine function.

parseLine("G1 (move) X6.66 ; some command description")

This will return either an array of pairs (["G" => "1", "X" => "6.66"]) or an array of strings ["G1", "X6.66"] if you call the method as parseLine("G1...", false). Comments are striped out automatically.

Parsing g-code file with custom callbacks

You can use the parseFile function to do more advanced calculations with your g-code.

# create any data object, it doesn't need to be a dictionary
# it will be passed as a second parameter to your callbacks
# here simple dictionary is used to store information during the print
myPrinter = Dict{String,Any}();
myPrinter["numberOfMoves"] = 0;

# Setup a dictionary of callbacks for specified commands
callbacks = Dict{String,Function}();
callbacks["G0"] = someFunction; # either use a function 
callbacks["G1"] = (cmds, dataobject)->dataobject["numberOfMoves"]++; # or use anonymous function

parseFile("examples/3dprint/gcodes/AI3M_test.gcode", callbacks, myPrinter);

Check out the examples folder to see a simple calculation of the total distance moved and filament consumption.


The regular expression for parsing a line of g-code is taken from this javascript package.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.