
Author gabdst
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Started In
December 2023

Julia Library for Generalized Morse Wavelets

A Julia package for generating Generalized Morse Wavelets (GMW) (see e.g. (Lilly and Olhede 2012)) and their derivatives.


The first order Generalized Morse Wavelets are defined in frequency by:

$$\widehat{\psi}_{a,u,\beta,\gamma}(w) = C_{a,\beta,\gamma}\, (aw)^\beta \exp \left( -(aw)^\gamma -iwu \right)$$

where $C_{a,\beta,\gamma}$ is a normalization constant, usually a L2 normalization or a frequency peak normalization, $a$ and $u$ are scaling and translation parameters and $\beta$ and $\gamma$ are shape parameters.

In practice, Generalized Morse Wavelest can be used to compute continuous wavelet transforms. Given a signal $x$, its wavelet coefficients $\tilde{x}_{a,u}$ are computed at each scale $a$ and time $u$ with fixed shape parameters $\beta$ and $\gamma$ (generally it is recommended to choose $\beta$=1 and $\gamma$=3 as it gives the wavelet a good localization in time-frequency space, almost a gaussian-like localisation, see (Lilly and Olhede 2012) and references therein).

The wavelet coefficient of a signal $x$ at scale $a$ and time $u$ is then simply computed using:

$$\tilde{x}[a,u] = \langle x,\psi_{a,u,\beta,\gamma} \rangle$$

where $\psi_{a,u,\beta,\gamma}$ is the wavelet in time.

This package also provide Generalized Morse Wavelets at higher order, although their use is more limited as their properties in frequency are not yet well understood for varying shape parameters $\beta$ and $\gamma$1. For more information, see (Lilly and Olhede 2012).


To generate the analytic part of a first order k=0 Generalized Morse Wavelet, normalized in energy normalization=:L2, with N=1024 time samples, with shape parameters \beta=1,\gamma=3, and at scale a=5 and time index u=512, use:

using GMW
using FFTW
g_fft=gmw(k,a,u,β,γ,N,normalization) # Analytic part of the wavelet of size div(N,2)+1
g_time=irfft(g_fft,N) # real part of the corresponding complex analytic generalized morse wavelet

In order to compute continuous wavelet tranforms, we also provide a handy function gmw_grid to initialize a bank of Generalized Morse Wavelets whose frequency peaks are logarithmically positionned in frequency.

With the scales $a_i$ defined by $$a_i=a_02^{i/Q},, \forall i=0\dots JQ-1$$ where $J$ is the number of octaves and $Q$ the number of inter-octaves, $a_0$ the initial lowest scale such that the highest frequency peak is positionned at $w_\mathrm{max}$.

The parameters of the bank are then computed using:

wmin=0 # Minimum frequency peak allowed
wmax=pi # Maximum frequency peak allowed
normalization=:peak # Wavelet frequency peak normalized to 1
g_params=gmw_grid(β,γ,J,Q,wmin,wmax) # Get the parameters of GMW bank, returns params in the form [a,u,β,γ]
g=gmw(0,g_params[1]...,N,normalization) # Get the first wavelet of the bank (g_params starts from the lowest scale)

The resulting bank of wavelets have their frequency peaks $w_i$ positionned at: $$w_i=w_\mathrm{max}2^{-i/Q},, \forall i=0\dots JQ-1$$ If a minimum frequency threshold $w_\mathrm{min}$ is specified, all wavelets with frequency peaks below this threshold are removed from the bank of filters resulting in a bank of size less than JQ.

Now given our bank of filters we can compute the continuous wavelet transform of a given signal $x$:

conv(x,g) = irfft(rfft(x) .* g,N) # For simplicity here we only compute the real part of the continuous wavelet transform
get_gmw(g_p) = gmw(0,g_p...,N,normalization)
x = randn(N)
x_cwt = [ conv(x,get_gmw(g_p)) for g_p in g_params] # Continous Wavelet transform

Let’s visualize the transform:

using Plots


  • documentation, add math definitions of GMWs
  • add self-dual filter bank as practical test
  • first-order derivative for higher order GMWs
  • second-derivatives of GMWs

Lilly, J. M., and S. C. Olhede. 2012. “Generalized Morse Wavelets as a Superfamily of Analytic Wavelets.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (11): 6036–41.


  1. The reason is that it depends on the localization of the zeros of high order Laguerre polynomials

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