Thin Julia wrapper around (Python). Provides both the raw git-filter-repo
API, and several convenience functions on top of it.
No additional setup is required after installation: the Python module gets automatically downloaded using the Artifacts
import GitFilterRepo as GFR
Gather all commit messages:
# uses the raw API
options = GFR.FilteringOptions.default_options()
commits = []
rfilter = GFR.RepoFilter(options; commit_callback=(commit, meta) -> push!(commits, commit))
[c.message for c in commits]
Set author dates of all commits to a specific value:
using Dates
# uses the raw API
options = GFR.FilteringOptions.default_options()
rfilter = GFR.RepoFilter(options; commit_callback=(commit, meta) -> (commit.author_date = GFR.date_to_string(DateTime(2010, 2, 3))))
Keep only the year of all commit and author dates:
# uses more convenient wrappers
GFR.RepoFilter(GFR.CommitCallback) do commit, meta
dt = GFR.string_to_date(commit.committer_date)
dts_new = GFR.date_to_string(trunc(dt, Year))
commit.author_date = dts_new
commit.committer_date = dts_new