Very lightweight wrapper around s3gof3r. Offers:
s3stream(bucket, path)
Return an `IO` object streaming `path` from `bucket`.
s3stream(bucket, path)
s3getfile(bucket, path, outfile)
Write the file at `bucket:path` to `outfile`.
s3getfile(bucket, path, outfile)
s3upload(bucket, file, key)
Upload `file` to `bucket:key`.
s3upload(bucket, file, key)
s3stream(f, bucket, path)
Call `f(s3stream(bucket, path))`, ensuring that the stream is closed properly once `f`
has finished executing, including in the case of errors.
s3stream(f, bucket, path)
You need to set up the authorization as outlined at
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key>
gof3r also supports IAM role-based keys from EC2 instance metadata. If available and environment variables are not set, these keys are used are used automatically.
For 2 factor authentication you can also set AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN
to your session token.
A little script doing 2 factor auth for you with aws-cli:
using JSON3
code = 000000 # your valid code from your 2 factor APP
userid = 0000000000 # your user id from AWS
username = "username" # your username
json = String(read(`aws sts get-session-token --serial-number arn:aws:iam::$(userid):mfa/$(username) --token-code $code --profile=main`))
creds =
ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = creds.AccessKeyId
ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = creds.SecretAccessKey
ENV["AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN"] = creds.SessionToken
And additionally set AWS_REGION
, which default to:
if !haskey(ENV, "AWS_REGION")
ENV["AWS_REGION"] = "us-east-2"
endpoint = get(ENV, "AWS_ENDPOINT", "")