Graph visualization using GLVisualize.jl
by Simon Danisch. Tightly integrated
with LightGraphs.jl
This is a pre-alpha version.
For the time being only the function
plot(g::Graph; observe=false)
returning an plot object of graph g
and visualizing it in an OpenGL window.
Is observe=true
updates to g
will be reflected in updates to the plot.
You can left-click and drag a vertex to move it around.
using LightGraphs
using GraphVisualize
g = erdos_renyi(10, 20)
plt = plot(g, observe=true) # a windows pops up displaying g
add_edge!(g, 3, 7) # the plot is updated
rem_edge!(g, 3, 7) # the plot is updated
rem_vertex!(g, 3) # the plot is updated
add_vertex!(g) # the plot is updated
# have fun moving the vertex around
# now close the window
g = WheelGraph(10) # create a new graph, DON'T ever plot twice the same graph
plt = plot(g, observe=false) # a windows pops up displaying g
add_edge!(g, 3, 7) # the plot is NOT updated
push!(obs, g) # the plot is updated