
Author zemjulia
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Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
February 2021

ContaminationPlots.jl : Generate maps of contaminant distributions

ContaminationPlots.jl is a ZEM module.

The modeule can be applied to create an empty plot with the background image without data; or plot data using linear interpolation, kriging, or inverse weighted distance; or plot matrix data.

This plot is generated using this module:

The module include the following functions:


Add a colorbar to the plot.


Add a length meter to the plot.


Add a progress bar to the plot.


Add points to the plot.


Add well points and names to the plot.


  • Plot data using linear interpolation.

    function contaminationplot(boundingbox, xs::Vector, ys::Vector, plotdata::Vector; upperlimit=false, lowerlimit=false, cmap=rainbow, figax=false)
  • Plot data using kriging.

    function contaminationplot(boundingbox, xs::Vector, ys::Vector, plotdata::Vector, cov; upperlimit=false, lowerlimit=false, cmap=rainbow, pretransform=x->x, posttransform=x->x, figax=false)
  • Plot data using inverse weighted distance.

    function contaminationplot(boundingbox, xs::Vector, ys::Vector, plotdata::Vector, pow::Number; upperlimit=false, lowerlimit=false, cmap=rainbow, pretransform=x->x, posttransform=x->x, figax=false)
  • Create an empty plot with the background image, but no data.

    function contaminationplot(boundingbox)
  • Plot matrix data.

    function contaminationplot(boundingbox, gridcr::Matrix; upperlimit=false, lowerlimit=false, cmap=rainbow, figax=false)

All modules under ZEM are open-source released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

Copyright 2018. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.

LANL Copyright Reference Number: C17004

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