
Hierarchical Clustering for Julia, similar to R's hclust()
8 Stars
Updated Last
4 Years Ago
Started In
January 2014


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Hierarchical Clustering for Julia, similar to R's hclust()


Please note this package has now been merged into Clustering.jl

This repository shows any additional work-in-progress. Clustering involves doing a lot of admin, and it is easy to make an error. I've tested the results for medium sized clusters (up to 250---5000) elements, for the following methods:

method validated at matrix size time validated
:single 5000 1.3 OK
:complete 2500 4.5 OK
:average 2500 4.5 OK


d = rand(1000,1000)
d += d'  ## make sure distance matrix d is symmetric (this is optional)
h = hclust(d, :single)


hclust(distance::Matrix, method::Symbol)

Performs hierarchical clustering for distance matrix d (which is forced to be symmetric), using one of three methods:

  • :single: cluster distance is equal to the minimum distance between any of the members
  • :average: cluster distance is equal to the mean distance between any of the cluster's members
  • :complete: cluster distance is equal to the maximum distance between any of the members.

The output of hclust() is an object of type Hclust with the fields

  • merge the clusters merged in order. Leafs are indicated by negative numbers
  • height the distance at which the merges take place
  • order a preferred grouping for drawing a dendogram. Not implemented, always [1:n].
  • labels labels of the clusters. Not implemented, now always [1:n]
  • method the name of the clustering method.


cutree(cl:Hclust; h, k)

Cuts the cluster tree at height h or amounting to k clusters.

The output is a vector of indices. The nth element in this vector indicates the cluster that this data point belongs to.