
Julia package for editing and displaying binary file data in hexadecimal format
12 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
July 2014

HexEdit Build Status

HexEdit is a package for editing and displaying data in binary files in hexadecimal format.


dump!(self::HexEd, offset = 0, n::Int = -1)

Displays binary file data beginning at offset and ending at offset + n.

  • offset defaults to 0
  • n defaults to file size - n.

edit!(self::HexEd, datastr::String, offset = 0)

Edits targeted binary file by overwriting data beginning at offset.

  • offset defaults to 0
  • datastr can be in ASCII or hexadecimal format (ie. "foobar" or "0x666f6f626172")


Complete File Hexdump

hexedit = HexEd("test.bin")
dump!(hexedit, 0x00)

# 00000000   5d 00 00 80   00 ff ff ff   ff ff ff ff   ff 00 7f e1   ]...............
# 00000010   90 e6 67 83   93 40 93 22   a0 1b ab 50   6e a1 93 54   ..g..@."...Pn..T
# 00000020   3a 7f fd a3   d9 c0 60 29   af b6 94 96   3e aa 5c 38   :.....`)....>.\8
# 00000030   1c 05 02 31   7d 74 72 0d   40 3c 22 da   ef fa ca 80   ...1}tr.@<".....
# 00000040   df f8 e2 7b   cc 65 09 29   64 c3 15 de   e6 39 b7 7e   ...{.e.)d....9.~
# 00000050   d5 8c aa 91   f0 28 37 e1   5d ad c0 37   74 16 ce c1   .....(7.]..7t...
# 00000060   75 94 1e ea   dd 64 d6 b5   a1 2e 54 3d   62 4b 72 30   u....d....T=bKr0
# 00000070   5a 35 b8 5d   42 a2 24 a1   c6 22 6a be   c6 58 07 e5   Z5.]B.$.."j..X..
# 00000080   4f f1 e3 fc   53 14 70 aa   ae 58 fa e3   d8 c4 3a db   O...S.p..X....:.
# 00000090   d2 81 cf 99   24 10 4c c1   53 76 98 bc   16 e9 c2 7e   ....$.L.Sv.....~
# 000000a0   2c 6f 23 d6   f7 32 ab 81   7e 74 fd b6   fe b2 e7 15   ,o#..2..~t......
# 000000b0   83 7d 45 96   44 a8 d9 cf   b2 b8 ad 37   73 0e 15 ad   .}E.D......7s...
# 000000c0   2f 55 1c 33   e7 86 4a 3a   71 39 fd 40   4f f8 94 7c   /U.3..J:q9.@O..|
# 000000d0   b4 8f 2c fa   f2 fa 20 43   fc e5 09 1e   cb 6e ac c4   ..,... C.....n..
# and so on...

Chunk Hexdump

Dump 16 bytes beginning at offset 0x04

hexedit = HexEd("test.bin")
dump!(hexedit, 0x04, 16)

# 00000004   66 6f 6f 62   61 72 ff ff   ff 00 7f e1   90 e6 67 83   foobar........g.

Hexadecimal Editing (Hex String)

Write foobar to test.bin beginning at offset 0x04

hexedit = HexEd("test.bin")
edit!(hexedit, "0x666f6f626172", 0x04)

Hexadecimal Editing (ASCII string)

Write foobar to test.bin beginning at offset 0x04

hexedit = HexEd("test.bin")
edit!(hexedit, "foobar", 0x04)

Binary Singature Location

Return offset of the start of the hexadecimal signature "b77e"

hexedit = HexEd("test.bin")
offset = find!(hexedit, "0xb77e")