
Homogenous vectors and matrixes for easy 3D coordinate transformations in Julia.
Author cserteGT3
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
December 2022


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HomogeneousVectors.jl is a package for easy 3D coordinate transformation. It's main purpose is to give an easily usable interface for one-time transformations. If many vectors need transformations, it is maybe more convinient to use 4 long SVectors.

Here's an example for usage:

julia> using HomogeneousVectors

julia> v1 = [0, 1, 2]
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> hm = SHM([1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1], [0, -1, -2])
4×4 SMatrix{4, 4, Int64, 16} with indices SOneTo(4)×SOneTo(4):
 1  0  0   0
 0  1  0  -1
 0  0  1  -2
 0  0  0   1

julia> vtransformed = HV(v1)*hm
3-element Vector{Int64}:

Design details

The main idea behind the package is, that many times 3 long vectors are used and it would be inconvinient ti always add a 4th 1 element for homogeneous transformations. Therefore the type HomogeneousVector (or shortly HV) wraps the vector, and by multiplying in with a homogeneous matrix, a vector of the original type is returned.

Homogeneous matrixes types are aliases for StaticArrays matrixes and are available as:

  • StaticHomogeneousMatrix{T} (or SHM): is an alias for SMatrix{4,4,T,16} and is static.
  • MutableHomogeneousMatrix{T} (or MHM): is an alias for MMatrix{4,4,T,16} and is mutable.

Convinience constructors are available as shown in the above example: SHM(rotationmatrix, translationvector) and MHM(rotationmatrix, translationvector). Further constructors are planned.

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