Julia port of the httr2 R package.
Author TidierOrg
7 Stars
Updated Last
2 Months Ago
Started In
May 2024


Build Status Documentation Stable

What is HTTR.jl

HTTR.jl is a 100% Julia implementation of the R httr2 package.

The main purpose of HTTR.jl is to bridge the gap between the web and data analysis in Julia, offering a flexible and efficient interface for making HTTP requests while adhering to web standards. It leverages packages like EzXML.jl, HTTP.jl, JLD2.jl, JSON3.jl, and URIs.jl to create and handle requests and manage various types of web data.


For the development version:

using Pkg

Pkg.add(url = "")

What functions does HTTR.jl support?

HTTR.jl currently supports:

Category Function/Type
Create and Modify Requests request(), Request, req_body_raw(), req_body_file(), req_body_json(), req_headers(),req_method(), req_progress(),req_timeout(), req_url(), req_user_agent()
Debugging and Testing Requests last_response(), last_request(), req_verbose(), with_verbosity()
Requests Authentication req_auth_basic(), req_auth_bearer_token()
Perform a Request req_perform(), req_retry()
Perform Multiple Requests (No functions included)
Handle the Response resp_body_raw(), resp_has_body(), resp_body_string(), resp_body_json(),resp_body_html(), resp_body_xml(), resp_check_content_type(), resp_content_type(), resp_encoding(), resp_date(), resp_headers(), resp_header(), resp_header_exists(), resp_link_url(), resp_raw(), resp_retry_after(), resp_status(), resp_status_desc(), resp_is_error(),resp_check_status(), resp_url(), resp_url_path(), resp_url_query(), resp_url_queries()
Miscellaneous Helpers curl_help(), secret_make_key(), secret_has_key(), url_parse(), url_build()
OAuth oauth_cache_path(), OAuthClient, oauth_client(), oauth_redirect_uri(), OAuthToken, oauth_token()


Creating and modifying the request:

HTTR.Request is the equivalent to R's httr2_request S3 class. Several functions can be used to modify the request returned by this request. These functions can modify the request's methods, body, headers, etc.

The HTTR.request() function creates the HTTR.Request type. Without a body the request method defaults to GET. By using the @chain macro, a request can be performed then the response can be then read as a String using the resp_body_string() function. If no response function is used the request will return the response as the type HTTP.Messages.Response from the HTTP.jl package:

using HTTR, Chain

@chain request("") begin

To create a POST request add a request body to the request, one way to do this is using the req_body_json() function and adding the content type of application/json, so that the request can be recognized as json. The response can be then read as a json using the resp_body_json() function:

using HTTR, Chain

@chain request("") begin
    req_body_json(Dict("name" => "test", "salary" => "123", "age" => "23"))
    req_headers(["Content-Type" => "application/json"])